The Democrats USA (2018-2020)

Did anyone watch the debate last night? I read a review that said Sanders and Warren's support for universal health care got a lot of criticism, but that Sanders handled it well, Warren somewhat less well. I also watched a short clip.

In comparing old men, I'm much more impressed with the rhetorical/debate skills of Sanders than with Biden. Biden is old and appears old. Yet Biden is still the Dem front-runner. I'm not sure it's wise to pick either of them for the nomination, though.
Pete Buttigieg will be in Orlando next week. I find him pretty interesting. The cheapest tickets for the event are $25 which really isn't bad. If I had the money and was willing to go to Orlando, I wouldn't mind hearing him speak.
I didn't watch the debate. I wish the younger candidates luck! I am not too excited about the old men! I do like the women. It is much too early for me to have a favorite though.
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About last night's debate:
It was a bloodbath for Biden, who in nearly every exchange displayed a poor command of facts, made easily disprovable assertions, and displayed an obsession with the track record of the Obama Administration when it was convenient and a selective forgetfulness of that record when it was not.

Biden repeatedly fumbled in response to basic challenges about his own positions, displaying more light than heat, more arrogance and bluster than competence or vision. At the end of the night, it was hard not to imagine Biden on stage beside Donald Trump, performing as badly as he performed tonight: being easily distracted, easily flustered, and rarely in command of the conversation.

It seems to say the only one who did somewhat well was New Jersey Senator Booker.
I loved Joe with Obama but I don’t want to see him run for President.
I didn’t know where to put this but I thought it was fascinating and I’m in a hurry and at work. Read the obit for Katherine can scroll to the last few sentences because it’s awesome. It ends in the top column next to it.
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At this point it looks like it's going to be between Biden, Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg. But it's still a while until the Iowa caucuses on Feb 3rd. Warren is on an upward trend, the others are largely holding steady.

I would think for example Warren and Sanders would be appealing to a great extent to the same demographic, so if one of them pulls out, then the other could potentially gain most of their voters and supporters.

So I'm thinking the next big news to hit the 2020 Dems campaign will be when candidates start to drop out.
I would think for example Warren and Sanders would be appealing to a great extent to the same demographic, so if one of them pulls out, then the other could potentially gain most of their voters and supporters.

Do you think that she would reposition herself to appeal to more centrist voters in a general election ? I have understood that the Democrats
do not have a majority with the extreme left wing voters.
Do you think that she would reposition herself to appeal to more centrist voters in a general election ? I have understood that the Democrats
do not have a majority with the extreme left wing voters.
There has been so much damage done, that has tipped this country so far over to the corporate, evangelical, nationalistic right, that the idea of worrying about a "centrist" is horrific!
Think if you had rented your house to a hoarder, found that by law you had to jump through hoops to evict, and in the meantime your house was becoming a garbage dump, rotting the floors, causing some very permanent damage and bankrupting you. Would you want to just hire a house cleaner, to wipe counters and sweep, or bring in a reconstruction crew, with dump trucks and shovels, and renovate the place?
The prospect of Biden, Buttigieg, Klobachur ... scares me as much as Trump.
The prospect of Biden, Buttigieg, Klobachur ... scares me as much as Trump.

I couldn't disagree more.

The most important thing, the only important thing, is to put a stop to the ongoing damage. Any of the Democratic candidates will do that.

There's very little beyond that that any of the Democratic candidates will be able to do, whether centrist or progressive, so it doesn't matter much which one is (hopefully!) elected.
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I mostly agree with Mischief. Biden is mediocre, but it'll be a lot better than Trump.

I'd definitely rather see Bernie Sanders or Warren or Major Pete though.

I think at some point if Sanders is still trailing Warren is there any chance that they could join forces? Can he offer to pull out and support her in return for some policy concessions? (or, less likely, vice versa if Warren goes downhill)

I think everyone except the top 5 should pull out.
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I do go back and forth on my thinking, but I am afraid of trumps cult more than I am of him. The democrats seem so wishy washy and lame, like threatening time out for someone pointing a gun. They had so many chances and each time used 'tempered judgement'.
This is not going away with trumps departure. This is a nationalistic uprising of some very stupid and dangerous citizens
I do go back and forth on my thinking, but I am afraid of trumps cult more than I am of him. The democrats seem so wishy washy and lame, like threatening time out for someone pointing a gun. They had so many chances and each time used 'tempered judgement'.
This is not going away with trumps departure. This is a nationalistic uprising of some very stupid and dangerous citizens
Can you explain what you think they should have done, and when?

I do agree that the problem is much bigger and insidious than trump, and will be with us long after he is dead.
Bloomberg's argument is probably that the democrats (depending on who wins) are too far to the left to win majority support, but that argument doesn't seem to be backed up by the current polling numbers. Warren or Sanders please, they can beat Trump.

I don't think we need anyone new. In fact we need some of the candidates that are consistently stuck at the bottom of the polls with 2%-3% to bow out and thin the field.
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