Source:It was a bloodbath for Biden, who in nearly every exchange displayed a poor command of facts, made easily disprovable assertions, and displayed an obsession with the track record of the Obama Administration when it was convenient and a selective forgetfulness of that record when it was not.
Biden repeatedly fumbled in response to basic challenges about his own positions, displaying more light than heat, more arrogance and bluster than competence or vision. At the end of the night, it was hard not to imagine Biden on stage beside Donald Trump, performing as badly as he performed tonight: being easily distracted, easily flustered, and rarely in command of the conversation.
I would think for example Warren and Sanders would be appealing to a great extent to the same demographic, so if one of them pulls out, then the other could potentially gain most of their voters and supporters.
There has been so much damage done, that has tipped this country so far over to the corporate, evangelical, nationalistic right, that the idea of worrying about a "centrist" is horrific!Do you think that she would reposition herself to appeal to more centrist voters in a general election ? I have understood that the Democrats
do not have a majority with the extreme left wing voters.
The prospect of Biden, Buttigieg, Klobachur ... scares me as much as Trump.
Can you explain what you think they should have done, and when?I do go back and forth on my thinking, but I am afraid of trumps cult more than I am of him. The democrats seem so wishy washy and lame, like threatening time out for someone pointing a gun. They had so many chances and each time used 'tempered judgement'.
This is not going away with trumps departure. This is a nationalistic uprising of some very stupid and dangerous citizens
Well, this could be interesting if his name goes forward
Yes, Bloomberg could have chosen to support an existing candidate, like Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris, if the top 3 aren't to his liking.I think our problem is too many candidates, not too few.