Psychology The Downsides of Being Drop Dead Gorgeous

Interesting article. I can see how being drop dead gorgeous could have it's drawbacks. I'd certainly like to see for myself if it were true or not, though. Would love the opportunity to be gorgeous...maybe not drop dead but at least "pretty enough" to be able to wake up in the morning, wash my face, pull my hair into a ponytail, and still look cute! Lol. :)
In my late twenties I had an op on my septum to correct a breathing problem.

On the basis that my nose was going to be spliced and quartered anyway the Doc offered to fix the tip of it as a freebie for me.

I'd already learned to love my nose for protecting me against the pitfalls of my otherwise flawless beauty so the freebie got turned down.

S'good to have flaws, imho. The more flaws you have the more you can be sure that people like you not for what you look like but for who you actualy are.

If you're a total bell-end then it would be best to be beautifull, of course.
Doctors take less care when treating attractive people for pain?! How weird. It's interesting that they think there are some negatives in being good looking.

I've read quite a few times that attractive people do tend to earn more money than less attractive people. I've known some beautiful women and men and people do tend to roll the red carpet out for them.
They also say that if you're attractive, you're more likely to get off on murder charges.:rolleyes:
A few years ago, a female teacher in Florida did not have to serve jail time for molesting a young teenage boy; her lawyer made much of her being "too pretty" to go to jail.

Yes, I have heard that many times. Apparently, Jodi Arias also escaped the death penalty because she was too attractive.
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Darlings I don't care what any articles say about being too beautiful personally because pets I'am drop the gorgeous and I plan to keep on being drop gorgeous by getting even more plastic surgeries cause attractive things I'am not for the boring natural look.
I embrace my boring natural look :rofl::rofl:...probably too much :weird:.

It's always bugged me when everyone else thinks someones gorgeous and I don't agree at all.
I wonder and worry about that little girl who was deemed "the most beautiful child", know the picture I mean?

I've changed so much over the years, I used to really be into looking good, groovin'...
Darlings I don't care what any articles say about being too beautiful personally because pets I'am drop the gorgeous and I plan to keep on being drop gorgeous by getting even more plastic surgeries cause attractive things I'am not for the boring natural look.
Hey Evaa!! I found I never sent my welcome on your intro!
So people who are drop dead gorgeous have unrecognized problems. Well, golly gee whiz, I wish I had those problems. :mad:
I was drop dead gorgeous for about 20 minutes in my mid-30s - it was fun! ;)

But beauty, by today's outrageous standards is difficult and expensive to maintain. And while I'm fighting this whole aging thing to a degree, I'mat the point of what the heck? if I can't look 35 anymore (which is when I think most people are at their most attractive), why even bother? :bag: Health is what is important now.
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