The Everything Animal Thread

Shocking footage of walruses falling off a cliff in the Russian arctic as a result of not having enough room due to the lack of ice caused by climate change.

Shocking footage of walruses falling off a cliff in the Russian arctic as a result of not having enough room due to the lack of ice caused by climate change.

It was actually the effect of climate change on wildlife that drove me so strongly into environmental science. I remember before I went back to school, I was editing part time and doing massage in LA. My boyfriend at the time kept talking about the polar bears, and he wouldn't use paper towels anymore. This was 2011/2012. I wasn't vegan then, I'd never seen Cowspiracy, but it was the first thing that really alarmed me, what was happening to all of the animals because of us. It still drives me when I am disgusted with people.
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If you can get your hands on this, it really changed my life. It's absolutely jarring, everyone should see it. It should be shown in schools, in McDonald's, in Wal-Mart. I know when it first debuted they flashed it on buildings in Times Square. I saw it in theater in LA. It made me cry. It made me absolutely convinced I personally had to do something or die trying.

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Shocking footage of walruses falling off a cliff in the Russian arctic as a result of not having enough room due to the lack of ice caused by climate change.

This is sad but certainly not a consequence of anything other than a heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Who here drives a car, rides the bus, train or consumes electricity? We are all guilty so cannot point fingers and what can we do...
This is sad but certainly not a consequence of anything other than a heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Who here drives a car, rides the bus, train or consumes electricity? We are all guilty so cannot point fingers and what can we do...

I don't know, one of the driving forces of the meat-free movement is fighting climate change.

I think this stat came from the Meatless Monday people
If you eat one less burger a week, it’s like taking your car off the road for 320 miles.

Then there is this from the EDF
...if each American replaced chicken with plant-based foods at just one meal per week, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than half a million cars off U.S. roads.
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If you can get your hands on this, it really changed my life. It's absolutely jarring, everyone should see it. It should be shown in schools, in McDonald's, in Wal-Mart. I know when it first debuted they flashed it on buildings in Times Square. I saw it in theater in LA. It made me cry. It made me absolutely convinced I personally had to do something or die trying.

I just found racing extinction at my public library. I put it on hold.
It's also available on Amazon.
It is not on Kanopy, Documentary Storm or Hoopla.
If anyone else finds it or watches it lets bring it up again.
I'm not sure this video belongs in this thread but this thread has been too quiet. And its one of my favorites. so ...

Meet The Mayor Of Idyllwild, Ca. His Name Is Max. He's A Very Good Boi.

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Opossums are unsung heroes in a way. They help protect humans from lyme disease by eating an enormous amount of ticks.

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