Adorkable rockstar!

If You Love Your Family, Stay the Hell Away From Them
People are letting their guards down while visiting loved ones, and it's putting them—and everyone else around them—at risk.

my sister is waiting for test results from yesterday morning - I don't really think she has it and was tested out of an abundance of caution - she is 10 years older than I and her husband is older than she is and had heart surgery a few years ago
I really hope that she doesn't have it as she went to a mini family reunion on Saturday (I did not) and if she is positive then everyone there will also have to be tested despite the fact they all stayed outside and socially distanced.
It is crazy that test results take so long to obtain when there are 10 and 15 minutes test out.
She worked outside in the hot sun for too long on Friday, doing yardwork, trimming trees and cutting up the branches etc. She didn't start 'aching' until Saturday night and then felt lousy on Sunday and started having some abdonimal cramps as well. I am thinking it might be that the lactic acid that resulted from her strenuous work built up and then spread throughout her body. Fingers crossed that's all it is.
Emma JC
This is definitely an issue with my parents. I can't seem to get them to understand that they need to wear their masks even outside. I visited them outdoors at their beach cottage yesterday, and I had my mask on almost the whole time (except when eating or drinking something). There are too many people in their beach community gathering in groups and not wearing masks.![]()
If You Love Your Family, Stay the Hell Away From Them
People are letting their guards down while visiting loved ones, and it's putting them—and everyone else around them—at
Thanks for that Val those are chilling statistics you posted I hope they keep coming down.As @Blues requested, Unghshu is informing: this morning, russian vaccine has been registered. It happened to be the first registered one in the world (at least that's what news said). Putin's daughter (of course!!!) tried it. Putin said that after the 1st injection, she had fever about 38°C,- the next morning she had 37°C, and then - nothing. After the 2nd injection, she had about 37°C maximum, and then - nothing. She didn't experience any side effects (yet). On one hand - it's not fair that those who have power will get the vaccine first, on the other hand - there are dozens of millions of dozes that need to be manufactured, and they are just afraid that the vaccine will be ineffective and the money spent on it will vanish.
They say, we (ordinary citizens) will get it only in October... But what should we do in September??? When kids go to school and we all go to work???
We all have very controversial feelings about it. Both hopeful and deceived, because the government is late, as usual. Not as late as in some other countries, but still late. My city has the highest mortality rate (it has never been different). I guess it may be due to some particular strain of covid: because it was brought here from Europe, not from China. And by saying Europe, i mean Italy. Everyone knows that Italian strain(s) was/were the deadliest ones. That horrendous death toll in Italy was due to the strain,- not only because the country was not prepared. I'm afraid SPb has that Italian strain, just a little mutated, and that's realy, really bad.
Here is the statistics of daily cases of contamination in Russia since my last post (the last date when i was posting the statistics was Jul.22nd).As you can see, the total number is decreasing, but i'm telling you: death toll is high, especially in SPb. And IMO, speaking about a success in fighting against covid must be available only when ZERO cases are detected. While there are thousands of new cases daily, there is nothing to brag about. Maybe i'm too opinionated, but when i see that our citizens "spit" on safety measures, and then hundreds a day die in vain, i just get amok. Local goverments are not helping either, because they want to get their money back and they're opening shops, restaurants, theatres, sports arenas, amusement parks, etc. They have also opened resorts (such as Sevastopol', Sochi, Anapa, Gelendjik, Feodosia, Yalta), and it has already lead to new piques of contamination. Abkhazia (which is a separate country) opened the borders for russian tourists and many infected humanoids have already penetrated in there,- i guess they will regret being so generous to russians).
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Yeah, i heard this rumour today (that there have been accusations from the West about having tested it on less than hundred people). There was a special article on a local news (federal) channel, saying that a few hundreds have been vaccinated already, and that, allegedly, these accusations is a provocation. I'm not sure how many volunteers there have been though. There might have been a mere misunderstanding and discrepancy in data that has been misinterpreted by western media, as there are a few types of the same vaccine, and the people who got one type of it, may not have been included in the results of another type. Something like that. As far as i know, some more types of the vaccine are about to appear. But this type (the registered one) has been made in Gamalei institute of biotechnology in Moscow.Thanks for that Val those are chilling statistics you posted I hope they keep coming down.
Re the vaccine, it's a massive breakthrough, but personally I would wait a while until they get through what is called phase 3 : of testing ,my understanding is that they have only tested it on 76 volunteers. I assume Putin's daughter was one of them.
Still, I wish them success as they roll it out to the general public.
I missed this post. Sorry to hear this, Freesia.Well, we are in lockdown tomorrow here. I was going to go to the supermarket today, but there is shelf stripping, and not just the online sales type.. real shelf stripping due to the lockdown, happening here. My city will be in lockdown. The rest of the country, oddly, will not be, just some restrictions.
Make sure you report back.Going out for essentials today. It will be my first masked shopping. Will I feel like Zorro? Or Jason from Friday 13th? That remains to be seen.
Going out for essentials today. It will be my first masked shopping. Will I feel like Zorro? Or Jason from Friday 13th? That remains to be seen.
Hi Freesia.NYC Gardener: Thank you, and glad the rates have slowed down where you are...
KLSwell i venturedout, and as it turned out,I didnt feel like Jason, or Zorro, but kind of like I was impersonating a dental assistant.
Managed to make it through te shop but tbh was happy to get the mask off after, i felt a bit dizzy and light headed, not sure why...