Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

That test and trace app is running down the battery on my phone. I read that could happen.
That test and trace app is running down the battery on my phone. I read that could happen.

Its a concern but it shouldn't happen. the app uses a very low power setting for Bluetooth.
You should be able to check how much power it is using in the phone's settings. If the app is using more than 5% its a technical glitch and should be reported.

Oh actually saying that, I can't remember if I charged my phone before I went on my walk as I went out almost straight after I woke up. My husband is working nights and it throws me off. I will see what happens with my phone tomorrow.

I see some people online aren't downloading the app as they are worried about the Chinese government!

I feel like I'm coming down with something too. I have a sore throat, hopefully just a cold. No cough or anything so far. It is the time of year for colds etc... It's typical as I just started taking Vitamin C too! I'm getting my flu jab in a week or two.
i have a friend in ontario... should i advise him to stock up?

hopefully he is already aware but a nudge wouldn't hurt - there are lots of empty spaces on shelves (produce aisles are fine thankfully) - it is items like olives and tamari/soy sauce, vinegar, that are scarce and prices have definitely risen on a lot of items

Emma JC
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hopefully he is already aware but a nudge wouldn't hurt - there are lots of empty spaces on shelves (produce aisles are fine thankfully) - it is items like olives and tamari/soy sauce, vinegar, that are scarce and prices have definitely risen on a lot of items

Emma JC

i will tell him then! :)
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We're seeing an increase in cases here in the city. I'm still on the frontlines, volunteering with food distribution projects. I keep getting more vigilant about all of the safety measures.

There is a lot of denial out there. Although the people in my life are mostly politically progressive, a surprising number are also anti-mask or skeptical of the reported COVID data because they don't trust politicians.

I study science in my free time and took a lot of undergrad science classes, so I know how viruses work and how epidemiology works. I look at the data daily. I highly doubt the numbers are being inflated to the extent that many claim. I think people are in a state of denial about the gravity of the crisis that we are in.

Just my two cents.

Additionally, the local media is making everything worse by emphasizing that the affected zip codes contain Orthodox Jewish communities. Those zip codes are diverse. They're singling out one group of people to an extent that is irresponsible and will undermine the message about public health.

I plan to get tested soon. They're encouraging it for everyone. Rapid testing kits will soon be available here.
Spikes are starting in Sweden too now. They don't look anywhere as big as the original problem and we are hoping that they are just pockets where the virus hadn't previously hit. Average ongoing deaths are still close to 0. (Yesterday we had two)
The PM said yesterday that Infections are on the rise and so too are hospital admissions and deaths.

I've been going out more to shops and on London underground and now I'm wondering whether to stay indoors again. There are certain parts of the UK that are on lockdown but some people online are saying they are voluntarily going into lockdown and planning to do it for 6 months.

It is impossible to socially distance on the underground, even with fewer people using it as when you get off the train you would have queues of people going back if you were trying to stay apart and it isn't practical.

I was going to go out again today to the town centre and now I'm wondering whether to stay at home and just go for a local walk where I can avoid people. It's hard to know what to do.
It is impossible to socially distance on the underground, even with fewer people using it as when you get off the train you would have queues of people going back if you were trying to stay apart and it isn't practical.

I was going to go out again today to the town centre and now I'm wondering whether to stay at home and just go for a local walk where I can avoid people. It's hard to know what to do.

It's the same situation over here. We have a huge spike in our region and the ICU units are full of covid patients. The government for whatever reason doesn't seem to want to implement a local lockdown.

I only go out for walks, grocery shopping (which is awful as people do not practise social distancing) and to friends' places that only have small gatherings. I also don't invite friends who's partners have high risk jobs over.

There's no way that I will go to town or to huge gatherings,restaurants or use public transport. I have also cancelled all of my non urgent appointments at hospital.
I just went into the local town centre. I went to a charity shop as they are only letting 6 people in at a time. I was going to go to another shop but the open air market was in the town and it looked far too crowded so I just got the train home.

I think that will the last time I go there for a while except for next week when I get my flu jab. I might get a taxi there and then walk back.

To talk about vitamins again :D I was reading about the immune system and a supplement I take L-Lysine is meant to be anti-viral if you combine it with Vitamin C and Zinc, I think it said.
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A lot of us are wondering if it's real. We think it may just be a distraction from his taxes and the debate, and he'll miraculously survive, revealing it's either nothing worse than the flu, or hydroxychloroquine saved his life. On the off chance it's true, we're very worried about Biden possibly catching it from him. 😞

I wonder how this will affect the upcoming US election?

You would think that people who have to meet the public all the time in their working life that a lot of them would be testing positive.

He is famously a germaphobe though so maybe he is super strict about shaking hands with people. :D
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Just watched rump board the copter to Walter Reed--wearing a cloth mask 🤔 :fp: :shrug: 🙄
Now I realize this is rare for him, but someone diagnosed with covid, boarding a helicopter among others, not wearing the N95 mask?