Internet Junkie

Walmart limits the number of customers in stores to help fight the spread of coronavirus
Walmart on Saturday began limiting the number of customers who can be in its stores at once because of the coronavirus pandemic.

I've been to the dentist since this thing started. I felt very safe. you had to knock on the door and wait for someone to let you in. only one patient at a time. questions answered, and temperature taken. the dentist and the assistant had 3 layers of PPE. And I had to gargle with some kind of "disinfectant".I’m getting nervous. Our covid rate in town is 4.1% I think. I had a dentist appointment for tomorrow for a cleaning but I canceled it. I feel like it can wait. Hopefully spring will bring better news.
Yes, I had to go in July when I lost a filling. I just feel like cases are rising every day and I can wait for a general cleaning. I brush often and floss every day. I’m not prone to tartar build up.I've been to the dentist since this thing started. I felt very safe. you had to knock on the door and wait for someone to let you in. only one patient at a time. questions answered, and temperature taken. the dentist and the assistant had 3 layers of PPE. And I had to gargle with some kind of "disinfectant".
So far the counties in the Bay Area are doing ok, covid-wise. Much better than most places. I can’t find the data on new cases per day but it must be pretty low. There are only 20 people with Covid in hospitals today. That is for the whole county. And the curve is flat. San Francisco reports about 40 confirmed hospitalized patients. It is starting to go up. In October it was down to 20. As of today, San Francisco is discontinuing indoor eating. Mostly because of a report that stated that indoor eating was very risky. Not sure if that is going to happen here or not. I still don’t go out to eat.
No, I think that is the main factor.I heard that, and I was thinking about the reasons. Obviously, the Bay Area skews well educated and liberal. But there must be more to it than that.
No, I think that is the main factor.
There may be other factors but I think most of them stem from the level of education here in the Bay Area.
Personally, I believe that liberal attitudes only go up with the level of education. And so does income. I know some will challenge that but there has been a lot of research and polls that support that. (One down below)
BTW, my county went 86% for Biden and just 12% for Trump. I think all political leaders are democrats.
California Governor gets high marks for his leadership in the Pandemic. The Bay Area was one of the first places with Covid patients but we were also one of the first places to shut down. We are still partially shut down. Our schools are still closed. And we got hotel rooms for the homeless.
Granted we took notes on what Washington state and New York City were doing. So we had some clues and forewarning. but other states did not take notes or just ignored them.
We have no great mask debate.
Does your level of education impact your political views?
The Pew Research Center recently published a report indicating that a clear majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (let's call them conservatives) believe that U.S. colleges and universities have a negative effect on the country. On the other hand, nearly three-quarters
Comparing COVID-19 and the 1918–19 influenza pandemics in the United Kingdom
We compared the COVID-19 and 1918–19 influenza pandemics in the United Kingdom. We found that the ongoing COVID-19 wave of infection matched the major…
Comparing COVID-19 and the 1918–19 influenza pandemics in the United Kingdom
We compared the COVID-19 and 1918–19 influenza pandemics in the United Kingdom. We found that the ongoing COVID-19 wave of infection matched the major…
Daughter just texted that her coworker has been sick for four days with Covid. It started out with a headache and pain on the right side of her neck and ear. I progressed to a fever which has been fairly steady at 101. She just now lost taste and smell. Hopefully it won’t get any worse because I have heard that sometimes it takes five days for it to really hit. Not surprisingly, she contracted it from her niece after spending one evening together with family. Which just goes to show, that as much as we are Covid weary, we cannot let our guard down. Yet sadly, too many people are.
We also received a text last night that my husband’s friend and former business partner’s wife was admitted to the hospital. She had been running fevers of 102 to 104 for about a week but would not go to the doctor. Yesterday morning she started acting disoriented so our friend took her to the ER. Surprisingly, the rapid Covid test came back negative but the doctor is having his doubts so they are keeping her and running more tests.
More and more people that we know are getting sick now. I guess that was to be expected.
It's the same over here. People aren't respecting the partial lockdown and are still meeting and going away for week ends. Neighbour's girlfriend who lives in Marseille came over for the week end. My other neighbour went away for the latter etc.
I know three people who have caught covid. A lady passed it on to her elderly parents during a get together.
Marseille, France? People are allowed to travel between France and the UK right now?
I live near Marseille. There are no flights between the latter and the UK. However, I think that the Eurostar is still running between the two countries.