So. Here we go.
A digital Covid vaccination passport is being jointly developed by a group of health and technology companies including Microsoft and Salesforce.
The VCI said it wants to develop technology that enables individuals to obtain an encrypted digital copy of their immunization credentials that can be stored in a digital wallet of their choice, such as the Apple Wallet or Google Pay. It suggested that anyone without a smartphone could receive paper printed with QR codes containing verifiable credentials.
He added that the technology should allow people “to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy.”
Millions of people around the world still don’t want to be vaccinated.....
....Should any restrictions be imposed on people who choose not to get vaccinated, given they can catch and spread the virus? could, eventually, be used to gain access to concert venues or airline flights.
China has
launched a health code app that shows whether a person is symptom-free in order to check into a hotel or use the subway.
.... it “isn’t easy to say whether it would be ethically permissible for a state to impose restrictions” on people who refuse a jab.
....“There is the potential for unvaccinated individuals to contract a serious case of coronavirus, which we take would be bad for them, but could also negatively affect others, for example, if health resources have to be diverted away from non-Covid care.”
That is the same argument for mandating motorcycle helmets and seatbelts. And some people are going to yell about the encroachment of their freedoms and liberties. My prediction is that a lot of lawyers are going to be very busy.