Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Cleveland is having a mass vaccination at college auditorium, prepared for like 7000 a day for the next few weeks. They've shown how the have the entire floor lined with chairs and people stay seated as the nurses go around with carts. I'd have such anxiety there 😨.
I did sign up for text messages for a drug store for the next available appt
That doesn’t sound like a bad system for that many people. It’s good that they are taking it seriously and making the effort to get the vaccine into as many people as they can.
The clinic I went to was a drive through. The first time went super quick. We only waited ten minutes before we got our shot. This second time the line was longer. Took half an hour but it wasn’t bad at all since you don’t have to get out of the car at all. It was very organized. I have to commend the job they are doing. My only slight gripe is they gave us a second card and told us we could transfer the information to the first card we got if we don’t want to carry two cards. I didn’t like that.
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That doesn’t sound like a bad system for that many people. It’s good that they are taking it seriously and making the effort to get the vaccine into as many people as they can.
The clinic I went to was a drive through. The first time went super quick. We only waited ten minutes before we got our shot. This second time the line was longer. Took half an hour but it wasn’t bad at all since you don’t have to get out of the car at all. It was very organized. I have to commend the job they are doing. My only slight gripe is they gave us a second card and told us we could transfer the information to the first card we got if we don’t want to carry two cards. I didn’t like that.
I'm not knocking it! They've had the national guard set it up, and it sounds like it will be very well organized. Free parking, and free bus passes with proof of registration, which is all done online or phone.
I simply can't handle that many people. The first 3 weeks will be the Pfizer vaccine
I'm sure everything will balance out, I'm surprised they're already doing 50+
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I'm not knocking it! They've had the national guard set it up, and it sounds like it will be very well organized. Free parking, and free bus passes with proof of registration, which is all done online or phone.
I simply can't handle that many people. The first 3 weeks will be the Pfizer vaccine
I'm sure everything will balance out, I'm surprised they're already doing 50+
Oh I get it. If I had other options I would definitely choose one.
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I feel absolutely fine after my jab. I don't know why I was so convinced that I would have a bad reaction to it.

My arm doesn't even hurt where I had it done. My husband said his arm was really hurting him the next day and some other people in the queue near him were saying that their arms hurt straight away afterwards. I didn't even feel it. I hope the nurse did actually give me the Covid jab as I didn't even feel anything. :lol:
I felt nothing while it was going in. Pretty amazing. But it hurt a few hours afterward both times. The first still being the absolute worst. I could not move my arm. Getting dressed was torture and took forever...not exaggerating. I know I like to dramatize things for effect/humor but not this time lol I dreaded going to the bathroom because it was so hard pulling my pants back up 😂:rofl:
I felt nothing while it was going in. Pretty amazing. But it hurt a few hours afterward both times. The first still being the absolute worst. I could not move my arm. Getting dressed was torture and took forever...not exaggerating. I know I like to dramatize things for effect/humor but not this time lol I dreaded going to the bathroom because it was so hard pulling my pants back up 😂:rofl:
I only had it done about 4 yesterday afternoon and it's nearly midday. now Maybe I will be back on here later complaining how much my arm hurts. :joy:
I only had it done about 4 yesterday afternoon and it's nearly midday. now Maybe I will be back on here later complaining how much my arm hurts. :joy:
I hope not! A little ache is fine but this was so bad. I just spoke to two older women today and they both got their second dose. Neither had any side effects at all!
I’m beginning to think that having fibromyalgia may be a factor. It felt very much like a really bad flare which thankfully I haven’t had since retiring.
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I’m beginning to think that having fibromyalgia may be a factor. It felt very much like a really bad flare which thankfully I haven’t had since retiring.
I was worried the same thing would happen to me. A woman who has fibromyalgia I know online felt really terrible after her jab. She had to send off for a Covid test, which was negative.
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Someone my husband knew from work said he got the AZ jab yesterday at the same site as me and he felt fine afterwards too and said his arm didn't hurt at all.
There are more and more studies of Long Covid and this seems to affect 1/10 patients:

Approximately 1 in 10 people with COVID-19 continue to experience symptoms and impaired quality of life beyond 12 weeks (‘long COVID’).

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I was worried the same thing would happen to me. A woman who has fibromyalgia I know online felt really terrible after her jab. She had to send off for a Covid test, which was negative.

Everyone is discussing the possible side effects of the vaccines. My GP says that the AZ gives more side effects compared to Pfizer. I know of several people that have had either bad side effects or none whatsoever with all 3 vaccines.

I had some really bad side effects after my 1 st jab and I don't have a serious illness. I actually wasn't expecting to feel so ill so it came as a surprise.
I have a friend who is now hesitating to get the jab due to the possible side effects. Another person, who is so afraid of having a jab, says she'll wait for the nasal spray vaccine!

We are a little baffled about this, but it may be due to the fact that the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine has an adenovirus vector, which stimulates the immune system strongly in the first dose and less strongly in the second.”

Are people who have had Covid more likely to get these side-effects?

Some data suggests this may be the case. According the ZOE Covid symptom study released last month and looking only at the Pfizer jab, about a third of vaccine recipients who had previously had Covid reported having a whole-body side-effect (such as chills), compared with 19% of those who had not had Covid.

Read said: “Usually if you have experienced a natural infection – in this case with the coronavirus – and are then challenged with something that looks quite similar – in this case the vaccine – an efficient immune system responds very quickly to the second challenge.”

Are there other groups who are more likely to experience side-effects?

The data suggests that side-effects are more common among younger recipients. “We have seen that older people are getting much milder side-effects. It’s not obvious why this should be – perhaps younger people have a much more robust reaction to the priming by the first dose,” said Read.

Covid vaccine side-effects: what are they, who gets them and why? | Nicola Davis
AstraZeneca is still on a hold in Norway. So we'll see if it ever will be in use here again.

We are getting 52 000 Johnson & Johnson doses during April. Have they said. I think we all know that what they say and what they deliver not always will be the same.

Infection is still rising in Norway, and we get younger and younger patients in the hospitals with the new mutation...
my neighbouring city is going back into lockdown on Monday - we are so close we can see each other and yet the socioeconomics are completely different, so I am not sure if that makes a difference? they have more new cases every day then we have total active cases - they have more homeless, shelters, a jail, etc and we have almost none of those although we have more seniors, they just happen to be wealthier seniors - strangely enough the next city over, on the other side, also has a big struggle and way more cases than we do and yet a similar, if not highter economy... less seniors there and more young professionals

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I mustn't watch the news. Doing so only raises my blood pressure. Is there any German politician who's not a total loser messing up big time when it comes to the pandemic?!

I also give a flying f*ck about Merkel "apologizing to the German citizens" - do what's f*cking necessary to get more people vaccinated faster instead of providing some token apologies!

This country's a mess!
My coworker who had what she thought was a mild case of covid has a lot of lingering issues. She gets 'cold' like inner cold that to me describes a fever, but doesnt' have one, tired more than usual, and loosing a lot of hair! She had it back in mid November
My coworker who had what she thought was a mild case of covid has a lot of lingering issues. She gets 'cold' like inner cold that to me describes a fever, but doesnt' have one, tired more than usual, and loosing a lot of hair! She had it back in mid November
Has she been retested to make sure she is not still covid positive? I imagine she has been but I’m curious at what point, with the covid long haulers, do they retest, if at all or if it’s just assumed that it is residual.
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Easter is here, so now people want to rather go on holliday than getting vaccines. In some parts of Oslo, half of the people they called to refused it because they were going on the cabin. I wished it ment that they automatic went far back in the line now, and had to wait until the rest of us have gotten an offer for a vaccines.

This is the generation that are more or less the reason we closed down the country. The elder and sick, that will have bigger risk of getting really ill. But they don't want to take their part of this obvious, a holliday is more important. A lot of people are of cause angry, and with good reasons too I think...

They are always talking about we are now seeing the light in the tunnel, but which light?? I still have to live half a year under restrictions probably, so don't come an talk about any frakings light yet.
We have had a quite heated attack on the "cabin people", both in newspapers and the comment fields. So a lot regret now and in fact turn around for their shots. It has been so many who has called for putting them way back in the line now, so wonder if they are afraid of that...

If you don't meet to a normal hospital appointment because of a holiday you are put in the back of the line... So shouldn't be different...
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Has she been retested to make sure she is not still covid positive? I imagine she has been but I’m curious at what point, with the covid long haulers, do they retest, if at all or if it’s just assumed that it is residual.
I have a friend who is still experiencing effects almost a year later. Weird things like her nerves feeling like they are on fire, fatigue and other issues. She's part of a Yale study about long haulers, so she may be getting retested, but she hasn't mentioned that. She'll wake up in the middle of the night feeling like an electric charge is running through her body. She says it's a very weird sensation that she never experienced until she was post-COVID. She also has a lot of brain fog and is considering retiring early because of all this. Overall, she is better, but the symptoms just won't go away.

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