Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Yikes PTree…I hope it’s not Covid!
It’s really weird how it works out… I Grandson started symptoms on Saturday and tested positive on Monday. The rest of the family has been testing almost every day and they keep coming back negative, which is not a bad thing. But the odd thing is my son-in-law was sick with a cold just like my grandson yet he keeps testing negative. He has used the home test kits but has also had to have the PCR tests done. My daughter has had a wicked headache since Monday that’s been getting progressively worse each day yet she is still testing negative. A granddaughter, who has only had one initial dose, is the only one who feels fine and she is also testing negative.
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Yikes PTree…I hope it’s not Covid!
It’s really weird how it works out… I Grandson started symptoms on Saturday and tested positive on Monday. The rest of the family has been testing almost every day and they keep coming back negative, which is not a bad thing. But the odd thing is my son-in-law was sick with a cold just like my grandson yet he keeps testing negative. He has used the home test kits but has also had to have the PCR tests done. My daughter has had a wicked headache since Monday that’s been getting progressively worse each day yet she is still testing negative. A granddaughter, who has only had one initial dose, is the only one who feels fine and she is also testing negative.
Thanks, me, too! The negative results are not uncommon. I have a friend with long COVID who has never tested positive, even though she had many of the classic symptoms. Her doctors are sure she's had it.
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The burning roof of the mouth thing is a symptom of Covid. I have never read these mouth symptoms before.

I had tingling feet that was put down to fibro a few weeks ago as nerve pain. Just read that can be a Covid symptom too. That would mean I have had it twice in a few weeks!
I hate when there’s a long list of symptoms for something…just like with the fibro. I feel like so many different symptoms takes away from the validity of an illness. Kind of like, my big toe hurts. Oh, yeah, it must be Covid, or fibro. 😞 If you tell your doctor you have a new symptom/complaint and they don’t have an explanation, they blame it on that.

It does seem odd that daughter and SIL are testing negative yet have the common symptoms. If grandson wasn’t positive I wouldn’t think it so strange.
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I keep wondering if being vaccinated somehow is playing a part in false negative readings. Not sure if it’s possible. I’d have to ask a scientist lol. 🤓
I hate when there’s a long list of symptoms for something…just like with the fibro. I feel like so many different symptoms takes away from the validity of an illness. Kind of like, my big toe hurts. Oh, yeah, it must be Covid, or fibro. 😞 If you tell your doctor you have a new symptom/complaint and they don’t have an explanation, they blame it on that.
Yes, exactly. It doesn't help that so-called Long Covid has exactly the same symptoms as fibro too!

I thought it was weird when I called up about my foot pain that the doctor asked me about having a fever or loss of smell and taste as I thought at the time what on earth would have to do with my foot?! I had no idea tingling feet was a symptom of Covid.

My brother just texted me this morning and said he has just tested positive. I'm just about to call him back *sigh*
Thanks, me, too! The negative results are not uncommon. I have a friend with long COVID who has never tested positive, even though she had many of the classic symptoms. Her doctors are sure she's had it.
When was it that she was sick? Was it at the onset of Covid? Or more recent…was she vaccinated?
The whole quarantine issue is confusing as well.
If you are in a household, say family of four, and one person gets it. The remaining three are supposed to quarantine for ten days I think. But maybe that’s just unvaccinated? If you’re vaccinated but exposed you don’t have to quarantine? So The rest remain negative for five days and then #2 tests positive. Now the unvaccinated has to restart quarantine all over again? 🤯

And what if you’re half vaccinated. I can’t find anything that tells you what to do for specific situations. It’s all general. But sometimes the situation is more complicated.

As I’m typing this out, I think the issue is, the first positive person is supposed to isolate from the rest of the family. Now I see the importance of that, however inconvenient. I think when you have a mild case you don’t want to stay cooped up in one room for ten days. And I bet this is why it’s spreading. Eventually we will all get it.
OK, I think I got it… Bottom line the first positive person must isolate from the rest of the family.

“It is very important for people with COVID-19 to remain apart from other people if possible, even if they are living together. If separation of the person with COVID-19 from others in the home is not possible, the other members of the household will have ongoing exposure, meaning they will be repeatedly exposed until that person is no longer able to spread the virus to other people.

People with COVID-19 can spread the virus to other people for 10 days after they develop symptoms, or 10 days from the date of their positive test if they do not have symptoms. The person with COVID-19 and all members of the household should wear a well-fitted mask and consistently, inside the home. If possible, one member of the household should care for the person with COVID-19 to limit the number of people in the household that are in close contact with the infected person. Take steps to protect yourself and others to reduce transmission in the home. Quarantine is a strategy to prevent transmission of COVID-19. It ensures that unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 stay apart from others. You quarantine when you have been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 and are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated. Isolation is a strategy to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by separating people with COVID-19 from those who are not infected. You isolate when you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, even if you don’t have symptoms.

Public health recommendations for testing and quarantine of close contacts with ongoing exposure depend on vaccination status.”

When was it that she was sick? Was it at the onset of Covid? Or more recent…was she vaccinated?
Her test came back negative!! She started getting sick on Wednesday with the sniffles, then she felt like she had a head cold on Thursday. She was vaccinated but has not gotten her booster. She said she actually feels much better today, but she's a little congested still and tired. She's just going to chill by herself on Christmas. She doesn't want to give anyone else a cold or anything.
My vaccinated stepdaughter in California has Covid. She’s feeling horrible. Day five of high fever, body aches and cough. I feel so bad for her.
Just goes to show, don’t let your guard down. I was assuming that anyone who’s vaccinated that is going to get Covid now would have an easy time of it. Obviously that’s not the case.

Grandson is still testing positive on day six. The rest of the family is still negative thankfully. So weird.
My vaccinated stepdaughter in California has Covid. She’s feeling horrible. Day five of high fever, body aches and cough. I feel so bad for her.
Just goes to show, don’t let your guard down. I was assuming that anyone who’s vaccinated that is going to get Covid now would have an easy time of it. Obviously that’s not the case.

Grandson is still testing positive on day six. The rest of the family is still negative thankfully. So weird.
Oh, man, I am sorry. That's awful about your stepdaughter. I think masking, even with the three shots, is going to be necessary indoors. Also, no large indoor gatherings. I feel like we're back at the beginning of this thing. I know we know more and we have vaccines, but it's frustrating that we can't quite get back to normal yet. <sigh> I'm also hearing that the booster starts to wane against omicron after 10 weeks or so. That's not enough to carry us through the flu season. <double sigh>
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I was assuming that anyone who’s vaccinated that is going to get Covid now would have an easy time of it. Obviously that’s not the case.

In the UK the accepted wisdom, especially with omicron, is that the jabs greatly reduce the chances of having to spend time in a hospital and especially of death.

Our fully vaccinated daughter recently had a rough time with covid but took solace in the thought of how much worse it could have been if she had not had the jabs.

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Daughter SIL and granddaughter still testing negative with pcr test.
And I find this ridiculous…daughter can’t access grandson’s result because he’s now 13 as of Christmas Eve. Wth is that all about?
Well apparently it’s a thing. I guess I wasn’t paying attention because my kids are adults now and it wasn’t an issue back in the olden days.
Stepdaughter is on day 7 of fever/chills/cough/fatigue. She slept 17 hours yesterday. The ER said they believe it’s omicron because the vaccine offers good protection against original Covid and delta.

I did not think omicron made you this sick. Not very encouraging then. I spoke with several neighbors yesterday and they each know 2-3 fully vaccinated/boosted people who have Covid and have it bad. So I’m guessing grandson got delta since he breezed through with minor cold symptoms.
Im so irritated. 😬 My unvaccinated step grandson was sick first and insisted it was the flu. He passed it on to his mom, my stepdaughter, who is now Covid positive and really sick. Step grandson had the exact same symptoms. What do you think the odds are that he had the flu and not Covid? Not likely in my opinion. So of course he never got tested and is out and about not quarantining/isolating the whole time he was sick because it was “just the flu“. I really feel it’s people like this that are the reason we are where we are today with the pandemic.