Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Well, daughter flew home from Italy on Friday and tested positive for covid today. So far Low grade fever, cough/congestion since yesterday.

That`s uncanny as I also know of 2 people that have been on holiday in Italy recently and they both caught Covid. One had to come back to France as she was staying at an air B&B.
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Well the cousin who went to Italy with my daughter is now also Covid positive. Last night one of the women that they traveled with tested positive. And my daughter saw a friend on Saturday and now the friend tested positive today. These new strains really are highly contagious. I have gone back to masking. I also got my flu shot today so in 12 more days I will get my Covid booster.
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yup, my oldest brother and his wife both picked it up over our Thanksgiving weekend, getting together with family, and at least 2 or 3 more at the gathering had/have it also and they don't know where it came from or, should I say, who arrived with it - they are doing well and recovering and are fully vaxxed

Emma JC
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It’s a little frustrating that people who are vaxxed and boosted are still catching it. I know it’s not a guarantee and is supposed to help not have really bad symptoms if you do test positive, but still…I’d like to think it would be better at preventing.

Daughter is on day 6 from when she started her first symptoms and is feeling quite poorly today. She doesn’t think she has a fever any more but has not checked it. The head congestion is starting which she didn’t have before. It was only the fever and sore throat. Maybe she got two strains assuming that’s even possible.
“You can get sick with multiple variants of COVID-19 at the same time. The first recorded case of this was in Belgium, where a 90-year-old woman was diagnosed with the Alpha and Beta strains. Additional reports soon popped up in Brazil and Portugal.

These cases proved that it was possible to get infected with more than one variant at the same time.“
It’s a little frustrating that people who are vaxxed and boosted are still catching it. I know it’s not a guarantee and is supposed to help not have really bad symptoms if you do test positive, but still…I’d like to think it would be better at preventing.

It is hard for vaccines to be up-to-date and very effective when it is still a pandemic. Unchecked proliferation of the virus means that every person who catches covid is a breeding ground for trillions of examples of mutation and natural selection. There are too many varieties of the virus and they evolve too quickly for vaccine developers to keep up.

If more people had gotten vaccinated earlier in the pandemic, when there were fewer strains, it could have been slowed down. But anti-vaxxers in developed countries and lack of availability of vaccines in undeveloped countries ensured that plenty of new strains emerged. Now, with social restrictions gone, new strains evolve faster than the development cycle of vaccines. The vaccines available now are for last year's strains.
Day 7...daughter is still feeling very ill but no fever. I think she has a whole new opinion on Covid now, not that she was nonchalant before. But I don't think she took it as seriously as me and my other daughter do.

Now I can't wait to get my booster. Nine more days.
Many people I know are getting sick and not wanting to test for covid. They really don't want to know. They do mask though.
I'm seeing a LOT more people masking again in stores here! I went in Aldi without one and felt so wrong. Most of cashiers too.
That is nuts. I mask, too, and I've had sniffles, itchy yes and an occasional cough all week. I've stayed home all week. I thought it was allergies, but today it feels like it morphed into a head cold. So I took a rapid test. Negative, but I will test again in a couple of days. And I'm going to stay home in case it's a false negative.
It’s a little frustrating that people who are vaxxed and boosted are still catching it. I know it’s not a guarantee and is supposed to help not have really bad symptoms if you do test positive, but still…I’d like to think it would be better at preventing.

Daughter is on day 6 from when she started her first symptoms and is feeling quite poorly today. She doesn’t think she has a fever any more but has not checked it. The head congestion is starting which she didn’t have before. It was only the fever and sore throat. Maybe she got two strains assuming that’s even possible.
I hope she feels better soon!
@PTree15 i hope it doesn't turn out to be Covid. 💙 You are smart to test again. My daughter didn't test positive until day 3. I would think you would have been positive by now if you had Covid, especially since you felt off all week, but best to test again and be sure!
@PTree15 i hope it doesn't turn out to be Covid. 💙 You are smart to test again. My daughter didn't test positive until day 3. I would think you would have been positive by now if you had Covid, especially since you felt off all week, but best to test again and be sure!
Thank you, me, too! Yes, I will test again probably on Sunday. Give it another day and see how I feel.
My insurance has been letting us know we can get free tests. I'm going to order them
I think I have eight left from the free ones I got from the federal government. I should check and see if my insurance does the same.
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My daughter gets free ones through her insurance. Good thing because they are constantly testing with the kids being in school. Took me awhile to find out how I can get some. Turns out Medicare won't let me order online. I have to go to a participating pharmacy and get them there. It's annoying but it's better than not getting them at all I suppose. I'll check cvs when I go for my covid booster.
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Thank you, me, too! Yes, I will test again probably on Sunday. Give it another day and see how I feel.
So I still feel crappy, and I have more coughing now, but I tested negative again for COVID. So I guess it's just a nasty cold. Hopefully I'll feel better in a couple of days. I will rest again today, so no exercise :(, but I have to work later, which will suck. Maybe I can nap before I work. It's a night job, so it's annoying when I'm not 100 percent. I think I might have to get some cough medicine or something later even though I don't feel like going out.
@PTree15 ugh...sorry you're not feeling better. I guess it's good it's not covid but but I feel like what's the point since you still don't feel well! *hug*
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@PTree15 ugh...sorry you're not feeling better. I guess it's good it's not covid but but I feel like what's the point since you still don't feel well! *hug*
Thank you, KLS. :) <3 I'm starting to finally feel a bit better. I'm still coughing a ton, but I managed to get out and vote today (I masked up and did not cough the entire time. I was sucking on candy the whole time :) ). Thank goodness Election Day wasn't yesterday. I felt horrible. I'm hoping I'll be back to normal by the weekend. My sister said it took her two weeks before she felt normal again, so we'll see.
I'm boosted! One hour in and so far so good. I know it's early yet but every minute that passes by without my feeling sick, is a celebration. Arm feels good too.

I did have a bit of a panic attack just before leaving the house but I got it under control.