Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I was meant to go to France yesterday on a work trip with my team leader to attend a meeting, but he got sick and then tested positive late the night before.

I was really unsure if I should go without him, but decided in the end to err on the side of cowardice / caution. Which turned out to be the right choice, because this morning I also tested positive. Now I'm in bed with a relatively light fever so far, and my throat feels a little bit sore. Also trying to attend the meeting online instead.
because this morning I also tested positive

Yup, so did I. Yesterday, I was getting that tickle in the back of my throat. I was thinking I must be getting a cold, but I tested first thing this morning, to be on the safe side, and was positive for Covid. I tested again a few hours later just be sure, as I was in slight disbelief.

Anyhow, so far my symptoms are very mild. I have a sore throat and a slight headache, but that's about it, luckily.

I hope you don't get any worse. Do take care of yourself.

That sucks!! so good that you decided to test first. Get well soon!

Emma JC
Thank you. I've been in bed all day.

I wasn't positive last night when I had to make the decision (because I was meant to leave super early). So it was really lucky I decided not to go. I would not have had a good time developing covid on my trip, probably not being able to test before I got to my destination. And then having an extended stay in France, trying to fend for myself in a country that doesn't like vegans and I don't speak their language.
Yup, so did I. Yesterday, I was getting that tickle in the back of my throat. I was thinking I must be getting a cold, but I tested first thing this morning, to be on the safe side, and was positive for Covid. I tested again a few hours later just be sure, as I was in slight disbelief.

Anyhow, so far my symptoms are very mild. I have a sore throat and a slight headache, but that's about it, luckily.

I hope you don't get any worse. Do take care of yourself.

Sorry to hear that. Yes, take care you too!

I tried to report my case to the NHS, as I want to help them get the numbers right, but their web page refuses to accept the code from our test kit. Apparently, if it's a lateral flow kit, it has to be one you didn't pay for, i.e. it has to be one the NHS gave to you. 🤒
I didn't even think about reporting my case! That's a huge issue with so many not even testing for covid and callng it a cold, and those who don't think it know to do it. So little data seems to get collected
I'm only just feeling better now after having my flu jab on the 29th. I was so tired and had a headache almost every day since then. It must be having fibromyalgia that makes me feel so awful afterwards.

Are we all still going to have Covid jabs and booster jabs each year in the future does anyone know? I was asking a few people and nobody knew.
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Yup, so did I. Yesterday, I was getting that tickle in the back of my throat. I was thinking I must be getting a cold, but I tested first thing this morning, to be on the safe side, and was positive for Covid. I tested again a few hours later just be sure, as I was in slight disbelief.

Anyhow, so far my symptoms are very mild. I have a sore throat and a slight headache, but that's about it, luckily.

I hope you don't get any worse. Do take care of yourself.


So sorry you have it also - my honey is pushing for us to visit family all over the place this year and I am just so not down with that - we will see, hopefully his 'too lazy to drive' hundreds of miles impulse will override his need to visit impulse. With Covid not going away and with RSV and the flu out there, minimizing our exposure seems prudent.

Hope your symptoms stay mild!

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
@Veganite @Indian Summer how are you both feeling today? 💙
I'm feeling better, thanks! I definitely have more energy today. I'm hoping my cough will die down more as well, but Ricola cough drops have been giving some relief (no sugar, sweetened with stevia ... and isomalt, whatever that is ...).

It also seems like we have managed to contain it to just me, as my wife and daughter are feeling fine and still testing negative.
With Covid not going away and with RSV and the flu out there, minimizing our exposure seems prudent.
Yeah, I'm not sure Covid will ever go away now 😞

I think minimising exposure is good, absolutely, but I recognise there is a need to balance that against other needs, and in certain cases to try and take calculated risks.
Good to hear that all you COVID patients are feeling better!

I'm laying low for a few days because I went to a restaurant on Sunday with my sister and our friend Rose for a holiday lunch. It was a hibachi place (thankfully, I was able to order something off the menu that wasn't cooked with everyone else's food -- udon noodles with veggies!).

The people doing the cooking all wore masks, which was good. I took mine off to eat and all, and I felt mostly OK with the setup because we were at a small table/grill with just two other people. Everything was pretty spread out. So far, so good (fingers crossed, of course).