Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Same here as I was so stressed out by my shopping trip plus all of the local news.
I know, I have had to turn it off, got my shopping to do tomorrow for me and parents (Dad has reluctantly agreed to self isolate finally!). Be safe out there all of you. :cool:
Eh, you are probably not aware of this, but one of the most frequent symptoms of the so called covid-19 infection is a dry cough. This remains true today, as it was initially. Pneumonia is characterized by fluid in the lungs resulting in a wet cough.

People should really go back a few pages and watch the video I linked by Dana Ashlie. It's informative on various levels.
I'm not going to pick apart all your inaccuracies, and refuse to respond to Dana, who I've had referenced on other issues and found just as wrong and fear mongering as I did on her vid on covid 19.
"But you've mentioned pneumonia a few times, as if there was something so covert about covid 19 having a 'dry cough'-
From Pneumonia Symptoms and Diagnosis
The symptoms of viral pneumonia usually develop over a period of several days. Early symptoms are similar to influenza symptoms: fever, a dry cough, headache, muscle pain, and weakness. Within a day or two, the symptoms typically get worse, with increasing cough, shortness of breath and muscle pain. There may be a high fever and there may be blueness of the lips."
I've had viral pneumonia
I heard the US has the most deaths now but I haven’t seen confirmation. 😕

Italy is by far in the lead :

I'm not going to pick apart all your inaccuracies, and refuse to respond to Dana, who I've had referenced on other issues and found just as wrong and fear mongering as I did on her vid on covid 19.
"But you've mentioned pneumonia a few times, as if there was something so covert about covid 19 having a 'dry cough'-
From Pneumonia Symptoms and Diagnosis
The symptoms of viral pneumonia usually develop over a period of several days. Early symptoms are similar to influenza symptoms: fever, a dry cough, headache, muscle pain, and weakness. Within a day or two, the symptoms typically get worse, with increasing cough, shortness of breath and muscle pain. There may be a high fever and there may be blueness of the lips."
I've had viral pneumonia

"But you've mentioned pneumonia a few times, as if there was something so covert about covid 19 having a 'dry cough'-
From Pneumonia Symptoms and Diagnosis

Actually, I'm pretty sure I only mentioned it once, and in response to
a comment to Val, who was describing people *already diagnosed and suffering
from severe pneumonia* who then supposedly "got covid-19" and died.

Not exactly the early stage symptoms you quoted from your link. Context

As for insinuating there was "something so covert about covid 19 having a 'dry
cough' -

I insinuated nothing. You didn't watch the video I linked or you'd know it was
but a single point among many points. I'm also not surprised you "refuse to respond
do Dana" - because I highly doubt you even took the time to watch what I suggested.

I'm sorry you've had pneumonia, but I don't think that makes you (or anyone else) qualified
to summarize and dismiss data points based on ignorance of the reference material (the video
I linked) or statements (such as I made in response to someone else) taken out of context.
Actually, I'm pretty sure I only mentioned it once, and in response to
a comment to Val, who was describing people *already diagnosed and suffering
from severe pneumonia* who then supposedly "got covid-19" and died.

Not exactly the early stage symptoms you quoted from your link. Context

As for insinuating there was "something so covert about covid 19 having a 'dry
cough' -

I insinuated nothing. You didn't watch the video I linked or you'd know it was
but a single point among many points. I'm also not surprised you "refuse to respond
do Dana" - because I highly doubt you even took the time to watch what I suggested.

I'm sorry you've had pneumonia, but I don't think that makes you (or anyone else) qualified
to summarize and dismiss data points based on ignorance of the reference material (the video
I linked) or statements (such as I made in response to someone else) taken out of context.
....and this is why no one should continue to "entertain" you, because that is truly all you seem to want. You remind me an awful lot of trump.

It was nice to be reminded of Antoine Béchamp. A real shame he's not brought up in vegan health forums enough
  • Agree
Reactions: Val and Lou
....and this is why no one should continue to "entertain" you, because that is truly all you seem to want. You remind me an awful lot of trump.

It was nice to be reminded of Antoine Béchamp. A real shame he's not brought up in vegan health forums enough

Lol, o k. Feel free to ignore me, and that goes for anyone else here. I think the positions you posited here are weak, you rely on summarizing information you refuse to watch, you make assumptions as to my motive, and you thrown in a comparison to a controversial figure loathed by some. Not least, you are calling upon group think.

If these are in the broader sense characteristic of how you make points and how you think, it probably is better that you (and anyone else who agrees with you), ignore me.

I have no idea why you'd like to be reminded of Bechamp if you take the position that all of the covid-19 stuff we are hearing about is from a virus that is spreading from human to human and rapidly around the world. It makes me think you have no clue what he taught and believed.
Do you guys feel like it’s safe to eat take out from a restaurant?
Well, considering that I only marginally consider it safe on a normal day, ...Yeah, pretty much the same level of safety. I probably feel safer now that they're being über particular/careful. (Except for the gloves. I don't trust how often they're changing the gloves, or how often their not washing their hands because they think the gloves are lessening their need to.)

The dogs think sheltering in place is the Best Thing Ever
My dog us ÜBER happy about SIP! 🐶

I saw that some people in the UK are calling up wanting to rehome their cats as they are worried about catching the virus from them. Morons.
Still no cure for stupid, sadly.