Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Thought about going out today but I decided to delay the shop until tomorrow morning. There is bad wind and rain, which shouldn't be a problem as I have found it is better to go when it is raining as there are no queues. problem is I have to get petrol, and it is unpleasant to pump gas in this weather. But if I had petrol I would definitely go in this.
It is something I never realised until it became difficult to shop.... I can kind of understand the mad grocery stockpiling now... (though of course it is still bad behaviour... )
I feel the same way. I don’t think things are going to go back to normal for a long time. I can see myself stockpiling for sure...not in an overly obsessive way but I will want to make sure I have certain items in hand going forward. I hate the position I’m in now with having to worry if I will be able to get certain necessities. And they are saying we will have another wave of this virus in September.
I do like that it is forcing me to be resourceful...making flatbread, and sourdough starter in place of yeast. That part is kind of cool. And nice to be stuck home with the time to do it all. Trying to look on the bright side.
I read that the starter can be spread out on a silpat or baking sheet and dried. It then flakes and can be stored for several months and used as yeast! How cool is that?!
Yes it has certainly made me aware of my things I have.. Like right now I need more herbal tea, plus this malt coffee I have but I have to wait not sure how long to go get it as i can only get it at the organic shop... Too far away...

Also having problems with my cereal.. I use oat bran but the shop I get this bran from is across town, the supermarket for some reason has oat bran sold out.. Might have to change my breakfast if I can't get any in time, wish I had bought a backup bag...
I read that the starter can be spread out on a silpat or baking sheet and dried. It then flakes and can be stored for several months and used as yeast! How cool is that?!

The starter I 've just recently revived was dried and stored in the freezer. It was what had dried on the plastic bowl I'd used when I'd fed it prior to using it for bread. Had I actually put a year on it I could tell you how old it was, but I didn't and don't remember.

To the best of my knowledge dried starter has to be revitalized through a similiar process to making it in the first place and it doesn't work like yeast. I am not an expert, this is what my experience has been and I've not seen anything to the contrary.

Where did you read this? I'm always up for learning something new.
This just in

More likely he died from complications associated from his diverticulitis, which according to this daughter, he had a history of, like many many other people "diagnosed" with Covid-19 who have underlying health issues.

Richmond pastor, wife have COVID-19: 'God is larger than this dreaded virus'
The starter I 've just recently revived was dried and stored in the freezer. It was what had dried on the plastic bowl I'd used when I'd fed it prior to using it for bread. Had I actually put a year on it I could tell you how old it was, but I didn't and don't remember.

To the best of my knowledge dried starter has to be revitalized through a similiar process to making it in the first place and it doesn't work like yeast. I am not an expert, this is what my experience has been and I've not seen anything to the contrary.

Where did you read this? I'm always up for learning something new.
It’s the last page if you scroll through the recipe. And it does have to be revitalized/started again. :)
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My point was, it doesn't make any sense for the average healthy person to be wearing a mask of any kind outside, or alone in your car. You're not going to be protecting anyone or yourself in that kind of environment. It's literally better for you to be getting fresh air. I understand doing what you feel lessens your risk, but unless you are in a higher-risk category, you have a greater risk of catching the flu (one of the "regular" strains - which have "miraculously" disappeared over the last few weeks) or almost anything else than you are of catching this virus, let alone dying from it. And if you weren't walking around all the time with a mask before, one has to ask themselves why now, given that reality? If you are in a higher-risk category, you were already taking such precautions, which does make sense. These people know who they are already.

This virus isn't going anywhere and like it or not, the only way we're going to mitigate the situation is for the population to become immune via exposure to and recovering from it. All this physical distancing is just prolonging the process and guaranteeing another surge in the fall. And that's exactly what they want... Because they are going to drag this out until they release their magical vaccine on everyone and force everyone to take it. A vaccine, that is being fast-forwarded through testing, and will no doubt have the same risks (death among them) and a questionable efficacy rate as the rest of them - if it's anything like the "regular" flu vaccine, that's roughly 10-30% at any given time. And they'll be making sure that you get it anyway as they'll be tracking you and surveilling your every move, refusing to let you travel, get health insurance, go back to work, go to a group event. Refuse and you'll be a virtual prisoner for the rest of your life. ...Meanwhile, millions of people are out of a job and the entire world if falling apart economically. I guess that doesn't mean much if you're wealthy enough to weather that storm, but for many, it's a big deal.

The reason for wearing a mask in public isn't to protect you from catching it, it's to protect others from you. They've found that some people can carry it, look healthy, and have no symptoms, but are still contagious. By not wearing one, you're basically letting others know that you don't care if you pass along the virus to them.

The reason they don't want everyone to get it at once is because the hospitals will be overwhelmed, like New York is now, and they won't we able to care for everyone. A lot more people will die that way. But if they can keep it to a smaller number over a longer time, they'll have a better chance of being able to care for all that are seriously ill. Do you know how incredibly stressful it is for them right now? I can't imagine what would happen to them if their caseloads were tripled, quadrupled, or worse.

The problem is, everyone is thinking about themselves, and when will they get to go out, instead of thinking about how it will affect others. How it'll make it harder for healthcare workers, and first responders. How it'll continue to spread the virus, and increase our quarantine time.
I really enjoy my life of enlightenment. I haven't had the flu in at least a decade, most of that time I worked with the public, seeing often 100's of persons in a day, and all that time I never got a vaccine. I've only been a vegan for around 2.5 years, but prior to that I avoided all pork, shellfish and nearly all dairy.

Since the "outbreak" I've hardly washed my hands (cept when it makes sense to, when they are dirty), I don't wipe down any packages I buy, or any produce I might purchase, I never wear gloves (except to discard of a dead animal my cat has gifted to me), I certainly never wear a mask, I don't use hand sanitizer and I wouldn't be too concerned if someone coughed or sneezed on me.

I also don't watch corporate news.

Life in this respect is good. It's only when I go out and have to deal with the hordes of crazy people do I get annoyed.

Years ago I read an alternative medicine book that put forth the idea that viruses are "repair proteins", or something of that nature. They originate from within the body's own cells to help in the clean up work. Diet, stress, emotional factors can all play a role in an eventual bodily clean up that occurs and the immune system does not pass on it's "germs" to other people.

However, vaccines can and do. There are all sorts of horrible crap they put in them, including bits of animal DNA, human fetus parts and a range of nasty stuff. Direct - into your blood. You can be sure you are getting exactly what they want you to have by getting one. But remember folks, those vaccines are there to protect you, no one's making any money off them or anything.

Now I've recently learned that emf/radiation can cause symptoms, especially the millimeter kind - and that's being rolled out everywhere. I guess my 10+ year run is now at risk. It was nice while it lasted.

Meanwhile, one can't compete with constant fear porn. Does it matter 1.5 million a year die from TB? Nope, 80k in 4 months is what really matters, because the media said so, and we all might die. I mean 240k or something if it's a whole year. 1.5 million has nothing on 240k, so keep washing those hands and playing the role that was set out for you.

What you are doing is unconscionable, you are actively and carelessly risking the lives of others. If you want to do that to yourself that's one thing, but to act that way in public is despicable. You should be ashamed of yourself.
What you are doing is unconscionable, you are actively and carelessly risking the lives of others. If you want to do that to yourself that's one thing, but to act that way in public is despicable. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Not everyone believes in either the virus, or the severity thereof. Neither will we let the fear of others dictate our freedoms, or be guilted by their fears. Wake up. TB kills 1.5 million a year, multiple times this is supposed to, and it never shuts down whole countries, but your corporate media isn't going to remind you of that watching the hypno-news.
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How many times do I have to say this. The stay at home measures aren't about the number of deaths specifically.

They are about minimizing the impact to hospitals so they are not overwhelmed.

When a hospital is able to handle the volume of patients, each patient gets better care, and also increases the likelihood that they will have ventilators available, if needed.
Sweden vs. the UK:

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Another interesting article.

Botom line:
COVID-19 can be mild enough that some people who have it don’t know they have it. It’s also easily spread, can be transmitted by presymptomatic people and is severe enough to kill a significant share of those who have it. All combined, the novel coronavirus has led to an outbreak that is unusually difficult to track and control. The seismic shift in our everyday lives is happening for a reason.​