Criminalizing speech, or allowing people who don't like what you have to say to sue you in court for it, isn't much different from censorship.
Being harmed by another's words is completely subjective, and is as dependent upon your own desire to see harm where no harm may be intended as it is dependent upon the words you are exposed to.
And this is a hot-button issue for me right now, since I am dealing with a friend who is the kind of person who, depending upon how victimized he wants to feel at any given moment, will respond to "gee, isn't the sky a lovely shade of blue today? " with "Why are you saying THIS to me now?!?!?! I never said it was green!!! I've got a loved one in the hospital right now and you want to argue??? Why are you attacking me with such vicious cruelty???"
As many people as you find have no compassion and will use words cruelly and without responsibility, mlp, there are probably ten times that number who see insult everywhere they look. I don't want free speech to be held hostage by people with such diseased self images.
Sure, it's subjective. Which is why the law provides for a "reasonable person" standard in cases where emotional distress is argued as part of damages.
But I'm not saying that emotional distress should give rise to a cause of action (although the concept has long been established in the law). I'm saying that when words are used maliciously and with intent to cause physical harm, those physically harmed (or their families, in case of suicide and other deaths) should have redress.
As for your friend, and others like him - I steer clear of that type of person.