The Pope

I'd love to hear about the talent they have.
Distractify | I Knew Pope Francis Was Good, But When I Found Out Everything He Did in 2013, I Was Blown Away

So you didn't read my link, or don't consider the following "talents"?

1.He spoke out against frivolous spending by the Church
Source: Getty

The average set of cardinal’s clothes costs as much as $20,000. In October, Pope Francis urged officials to dress more modestly and to not squander such money. In the same month, he ordered a German bishop to explain how he had spent $3 million on a marble courtyard.
2. He invited a boy with Down's Syndrome for a ride in the Popemobile
Source: Getty

During a general audience, Pope Francis invited Alberto di Tullio, a 17-year-old boy with Downs Syndrome, to ride in his Popemobile while thousands watched. The boy and his father were said to be "choked up" when he was embraced by the Pope.

3. He embraced and kissed Vinicio Riva
Source: Getty

November saw Pope Francis embrace Vinicio Riva, a man scarred by a genetic disease. Fighting agonising pain on a daily basis, such an act restored the faith of a man who says he is often mocked in public.

4. He denounced the judgment of homosexuals
Source: Getty

Pope Francis has stated several times that the Church has no right to interfere spiritually in the lives of gays and lesbians. Though Francis maintained the right of the Church to express opinions on homosexuality, he believed that Christians should not judge or ridicule. This led to The Advocate, a gay rights magazine, naming Francis the 'single most influential person of 2013 on the lives of LGBT people.'

5. He held a major ceremony at the chapel of a youth prison
Source: Getty

In March, the Pope held a major Holy Week service at Casal del Marmo jail for minors, rather than the Vatican. During the service, the pope washed and kissed the feet of 12 young offenders to commemorate Jesus' gesture of humility towards his apostles on the night before he died. During the service, he broke tradition by washing the feet of women and Muslims.

6. He urged the protection of the Amazon Rainforest
Source: Getty

During his visit to Brazil, Pope Francis met with natives who have been fighting ranchers and farmers attempting to invade their land. He encouraged that the Amazon be treated as a garden and protected, along with it's native people.

7. He personally called and consoled a victim of rape
Source: Getty

A 44-year old Argentinian woman, raped by a local policeman, was one of thousands to write a letter to Pope Francis in 2013. The woman was surprised when she later received a phone call from Francis himself--who consoled the woman and told her, “You are not alone.”

8. He snuck out of the Vatican to feed the homeless
Source: Getty

More recently, it has been discovered that Pope Francis regularly leaves the Vatican at night to feed the homeless. Dressed as an ordinary priest, he joins Archbishop Konrad Krajewski to feed the poor of Rome.

9. He auctioned his motorcycle to benefit the homeless
Source: Reuters

In October, Francis donated his own Harley Davidson motorcycle to fund a hostel and soup kitchen in Rome.

10. He acknowledged that atheists can be good people
Source: Getty

Earlier in 2013, Pope Francis spoke out against the common interpretation within the Church that atheists, by nature, are bad people. He stated that, “Atheists should be seen as good people if they do good.” After meeting the Pope, the openly atheist president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, compared Francis to a friendly neighbor.

11. He condemned the global financial system
Source: Getty

In May, Francis denounced the global financial system for tyrannizing the poor and turning humans into expendable consumer goods. He believes that, “Money has to serve, not to rule!"

12. He fought child abuse
Source: Reuters

The Catholic Church has been rocked in recent years by allegations and admissions of child abuse by members of the Church. Pope Francis became the first Pope to take effective action against such atrocities. He ammended Vatican law to make sexual abuse of children a crime, and he also established a committee to fight abuse.

13. He condemned the violence of the Syrian civil war
Source: Getty

In regard to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Pope Francis asked for peace and declared that, "War, never again. Violence never leads to peace, war leads to war, violence leads to violence.”

14. He redirected employee bonuses to charity
Source: Getty

When a new Pope is elected, Vatican employees receive a bonus. Upon his election, the extra money was given to directly to charity instead.

15. He spoke out against the Church’s ‘obsession’ with abortion, gay marriage and contraception
Source: Getty

In a voice of reason, Francis shocked the Catholic world when he stated that the Church was an unhealthy obsession with abortion, gay marriage, and contraception. He criticized the Church for putting dogma before love, and for prioritizing moral doctrines over serving the poor and marginalized.

16. He called for cooperation between Christians and Muslims
Source: Getty

During his Angelus address, Francis paid respect to the end of Ramadan. He stated that both Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and he hoped that Christians and Muslims would work together to promote mutual respect.

17. He took part in a selfie
Source: Instagram
In what might be his most progressive feat of all, Pope Francis met with youngsters to be part of a truly remarkable selfie. His is embracing the present, and he is undoubtedly taking the Church to a more loving and accepting future.

18. He invited homeless men to his birthday meal
Source: Getty

On December 17, Pope Francis invited a group of homeless men and their dog into the Vatican to share his birthday meal along with his staff. The Pope had decided that he wanted a small birthday event, which would do some good, rather than a large and expensive event.

19. He refused to send away a child who had run on stage to hug him
Source: Getty

During the Year of Faith Celebrations, a young boy ran on stage as the Pope was giving a speech. When assistants tried to remove the boy, Francis allowed him to stay.
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Being popular is usually a bad sign of a person's character. Lincoln(very racist), Churchill(very racist, murderer), Roosevelt(even worse murderer), and Mother Teresa(many horrible claims made about her charity) are some of them who come to mind. LedBoots' link is a list of things the Pope has done with most of it being about things he has said. Not impressive, and no talent involved. He sure likes to talk. I already knew that.
I know Oprah did promote a vegan challenge on her show which must have turned some people vegan as she has massive influence over public perception.
My brothers single out a few people for not having talent, and Oprah is one. It's what I expect very famous people to do:use their influence to try to do some good. No complaints from me.
Being popular is usually a bad sign of a person's character. Lincoln(very racist), Churchill(very racist, murderer), Roosevelt(even worse murderer), and Mother Teresa(many horrible claims made about her charity) are some of them who come to mind. LedBoots' link is a list of things the Pope has done with most of it being about things he has said. Not impressive, and no talent involved. He sure likes to talk. I already knew that.

My brothers single out a few people for not having talent, and Oprah is one. It's what I expect very famous people to do:use their influence to try to do some good. No complaints from me.
With millions of followers, words are extremely powerful.

And you are judging people like Lincoln (who possibly had a black African ancestor btw) and Churchill, who lived in very different times than we do.

Sounds like envy of the rich/powerful/influential to me.
With millions of followers, words are extremely powerful.

And you are judging people like Lincoln (who possibly had a black African ancestor btw) and Churchill, who lived in very different times than we do.

Sounds like envy of the rich/powerful/influential to me.
Yet when it comes to many of the important issues he's not talking. I agree that words are powerful, but I don't hear of many positive changes that have come from his words.

In Lincoln's case he wanted to send blacks out of the United States and had a plan for that before his death. Churchill endorsed the British empire(the one that had ruined millions of lives). It was only because they were bankrupt(because of Churchill's war) that their empire came to an end. Most people may have been racist, but only a small amount acted on their racism. These two tried.
What about soldiers, then?
You can't lump all soldiers together, which is why I don't subscribe to the "Support the Troops" mantra. Some "Christians" join the military for the sole purpose of slaughtering Brown people. Those folks are hypocrites.
1. Land, lodging, and labor are “sacred rights.” In what is perhaps his boldest claim to date, Pope Francis argued that everyone has a God-given right to have a job, to own land, and to have a home. This, of course, is neither the promise nor goal of current economic systems established in the U.S. and around the globe. This also goes well beyond the traditional social teaching of the Catholic Church, which argues for the dignity of work, but doesn’t go as far to say that everyone has a God-given right to have a job.

2. People—not profits—must be the center of the global economy.Lambasting unbridled capitalism as a “subtle dictatorship” and the “dung of the devil,” Francis argued that when the “unfettered pursuit of money rules,” that “the service of the common good is left behind.” Francis called on the people to counter this: “Let us say no to an economy of exclusion and inequality, where money rules, rather than service. That economy kills. That economy excludes. That economy destroys Mother Earth.”

3. We can’t wait for change. In his recent encyclical, Pope Francis said that, “doomsday predictions” about the environment “can no longer be met with irony or disdain.” On Thursday, he argued the same could be said of economic injustices: “Time, my brothers and sisters, seems to be running out; we are not yet tearing one another apart, but we are tearing apart our common home.” To address this economic situation, Francis argued that people must not be afraid to say “we want change.”

4. Lasting change must begin from below. The pope argued that structural change won’t be the “result from any one political decision.” Change from below works, the pope said, because when people get “caught up in the storms of people’s lives,” they are deeply moved and compelled to act.

Pope Francis Isn't Holding Back—And U.S. Politicians Should Look Out