The reality of global warming


Forum Legend
May 4, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
WARNING! This post is long and boring. Do not read this post unless you have insomnia.

I recall reading the book An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore many years ago. It was one of the few books that I have ever purchased in hard cover when it first came out. I felt excited and thrilled about finally finding a book that could explain the issue of global warming in layman's terms.

To my horror, the book sucked. It looked more like pseudoscience than actual science. Thus, I believed the book could do more to harm the environment than actually help the environment. We have countless environmental problems in addition to global warming. When we focus so heavily on global warming, we risk ignoring the other environmental problems.

I would like to look at three obvious micro-ecological problems instead of one macro-ecological problem of global warming.

First, we have lots of hard working manual laborers who just want to get the job done in a fast and efficient manner. Mechanics, exterminators, dry cleaners, and janitors work with toxic chemicals on a daily basis. I would really like to see these hard working individuals slow down and avoid making physical contact with these chemicals. They have families at home who love them and do not want to see them dead from cancer.

Second, when I make my periodic moves across town, I like to hire movers to do all the heavy lifting. I always give them my "speech" before they move. It is as follows:

"I am not asking you to get the job done quickly. I am asking you to get the job done without hurting yourself. You are getting paid by me by the hour. So please take your time. The tip will be the same either way."

Sure enough, they always take the shortcuts. Sure enough, they almost always seem to damage some part of their bodies. One guy twisted his ankle. Another guy looked like he strained his back. I know lots of these guys will eventually wind up in emergency rooms. If someone needs a $50,000 ankle surgery, there is going to be an environmental consequence. We will need to use precious natural resources and toxic chemicals to fix the ankle.

Third, even a factory farmer is going to experience health risks. Working in ammonia filled animal sheds can not be healthy. Working ankle deep in poop must present a health risk to the farmer. Animal farming is a hard dangerous job. There is no way around it.

The above micro-ecological problems are painfully obvious. The macro-ecological problem of global warming is an abstraction.

Quite frankly, I have seen so many people on both sides of the argument massage the statistics to their favor. There is huge bucks in the fossil fuel energy market. There is also big buck in alternative fuels. There are also huge research grants for investigating the impact of environmental warming. So no matter how you cut it, somebody has a financial interest in protecting the environment from global warming and somebody else has a financial interest in minimizing the existence of global warming.

Yet, most of the people who claim to have a concern about the possibility global warming seem to do nothing about it. I am a classic example of this problem. It could be 110 degrees outside in an Arizona summer. But, I assure you that it will be no warmer than 75 degree in my apartment. It might be 40 degrees outside in the winter. But, I assure you that it will be no cooler than 75 degrees inside during the winter.

In conclusion, the potential problem of global warming starts with me. I am the environmental problem. I need to change my behaviors. After cleaning up my act, I should write a letter to my congressman.

--- I am willing to bet I get zero likes for this post. But, that is a reflection on me and not you. ---
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The environmental and health impacts of global warming are extremely high to both humans and animals, will cause billions of deaths, and damage the environment more than other environmental issues, so it's justified to be more important.

I do agree that "people who claim to have a concern about the possibility global warming seem to do nothing about it" in terms of personal behaviours. Let's all try to do more.

With regards heating, we should do something. More insulation, alternative fuel sources (wood/geothermal etc), don't heat all of the house in winter, accept a wider range of temperatures.
Personally global warming has always been around we're just noticing it now. It will be around till this world is done.
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Climate change discussions should be based on well-substantiated information from reputable sources. Frankly, all I see in this thread are anecdotes and opinions.
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My opinions have changed since I originally posted this thread. At the time that I wrote the thread, I believed that most of the concern about global warming was based on exaggerated claims by a few "environmentalists" trying to get rich off from spreading fear. I believed that anthropogenic global warming was real. But, it was not an immediate danger. Still, I did not want to mention my true feelings because it would only start a flame war. Nevertheless, I continue to believe that many so-called "environmentalists" are greedy little liars.

Please keep in mind that at one time I thought that PeTA was run by a bunch of crazy people. My logic was something along these lines. Farm animals never have to do any work or live in fear of natural predators. They had basic medical care, free housing, and plenty of food. They could hang out all day long with other animals. We gave them a short but good life. Moreover, I believed that farmed animals were necessary for human survival.


The most appealing part of veganism is that I can make a difference in the lives of other sentient beings by making a personal choice. I can choose not to consume animal products. I do not need to have a law passed, sign a petition, or pay more taxes. That is a great lesson.

Here is the painful part of that lesson. I need to change my habits if I care about global warming. I need to keep the apartment warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter. It could save me $1,200 a year. But, I love my creature comforts. I need to cut back further on my driving and combine trips a little more. Producing laptops, smartphones, clothing, and cars all use fossil fuels. Of course, cutting back on all of that stuff is good for my bank account and financial security. Yet, I would rather not take the route of financial and environmental responsibility.

Although my opinions about global warming have changed, one thing has not changed. I am the cause of global warming. Shame on me.
Not that I should be discouraging you from energy conservation, but you can feel really good about being vegan. Its one of the best things you can do as an individual to reduce your carbon footprint.

Being vegan for ONE year saves*
366 animals not eaten

402,600 gallons of water**

14,640 lbs of grain

7,320 lbs of CO2***

10,980 sq. ft of forest

* your mileage may vary
**that is like 20,000 showers
***each pound of CO2 is like one mile of driving a car.

Not that I should be discouraging you from energy conservation, but you can feel really good about being vegan. Its one of the best things you can do as an individual to reduce your carbon footprint.

Being vegan for ONE year saves*
366 animals not eaten

I don't know how that figure was calculated as there are 365 day in a year. That would mean that an individual would be consuming one animal per day. Certain links state 200 and others 100 which makes these statistics conflicting and not very reassuring. Moreover, animals come in different sizes ; a chicken is so much small compared to a cow.

It's just mind boggling how these sites come up with these statistics. Even when I was an omni, I can't imagine that I was consuming anything like these figures suggest. All of my friends are omnis and I also can't imagine them consuming hundreds of animals per year. Perhaps I've not quite understood the above statistics? :neutral:

Hog, I don't think you need to feel any shame. I seem to recall from previous discussions that your own personal contribution to climate change wasn't very high and you seem quite conscientious.

Living green isn't all about cutbacks, sacrifice.

For the last several years I only invested in funds that excluded fossil fuels, all the fossil fuel companies devalued, sustainable energy boomed, and I made thousands in profit out of sustainable / ethical funds.

I love driving an electric car and powering it with home solar. I have had zero maintenance cost on the car or the solar system after 1.5 years, and I richer as a result of this decision as well.

Vegan food never felt like a sacrifice.

Getting to know my local area by taking a bicycle from my front door instead of driving to climb mountains further away while getting stuck in traffic doesn't feel like a sacrifice.

Not getting jet lag or being stuck in airport queues or paying a fortune for a foreign holiday doesn't feel like a sacrifice either.

Since I starting buying less stuff, I enjoyed rereading some old physical books, and yet again saving money by buying less. Is it really more enjoyable to be wandering around a mall than a forest? I don't think so.
I don't know how that figure was calculated as there are 365 day in a year.
I think they do purposely inflate the numbers, too. however, in their defense, carnists may put a dozen sardines on their pizza, eat baby clams or baby oysters by the dozens, and the there is clam chowder. Clam chowder is served every Friday in some places. I wonder if they count eggs?
I think the logic is that whenever you eat a plate of prawns or oysters or other sea food you can consume 20 or 30 creatures in one sitting, and that pushes up the totals. I am not sure whether they are including bycatch - the animals that get scooped up in the net and then discarded. This means that one fish on a plate could mean 2 or 5 or 10 animals killed in one sitting.

Of course, if someone were only to eat land animals, the number of animals killed annually would be lower than the numbers being cited above.
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^ Good points. and we forgot to mention shrimp, too. How many shrimp are in a Shrimp Louie or a bowl of popcorn shrimp.
I mentioned sardines - but I should have said anchovies. Anchovies are what people put on pizza. And there is the anchovies in Caesar salad dressing and some fish sauces.
many people eat sardines - right out of the can as a snack or app.

Animals aren't just killed for food, too. there are the animals used in testing, making apparel and other stuff. Three hundred isn't looking so inflated anymore.
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To expand on what I said above about how being green isn´t all about sacrifice and how in fact I made money doing it: