NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Meanwhile, in a different place, some very interesting background on the most recent scum pardons and the lobbyist behind them :mad:

Meet the Man — and Propaganda Machine — Behind Trump’s Latest Pardon

Long, but makes for good reading.

Buzzfeed said:
How Forrest Lucas — the little-known millionaire whose company name is plastered on the home stadium of the Indianapolis Colts — wields power, propaganda, and even Sharon Stone to protect Big Agriculture.

To achieve his goals, Lucas has used a nonprofit he founded, Protect the Harvest — devoted to “working to protect your right to hunt, fish, farm, eat meat, and own pets” — as well as his close ties to Vice President Mike Pence, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, whose top adviser is a former employee of Lucas’s

For those active in the agricultural world, Lucas has primarily been known for his strong stance on animal regulation, actively opposing attempts to limit or monitor mistreatment of pets and livestock with laws that would, for example, establish minimum spacing for hen cages or veal calf pens, crack down on puppy mills, or prevent intentional mutilation of Tennessee walking horses. A particular target of his efforts has been the Humane Society of the United States — the national organization that has spearheaded the vast majority of initiatives related to animal regulation, and which Lucas has referred to as “terrorists.”
What???:rofl: Silly people:p. At least they should have invited a russian designer to create such a "masterpiece". What is literally on that field, is: "Trump is a wh*re".:D But the word "Bljad'", in origin, has a common root with the word "zabludit'sja" (to be lost = to be misled by the forest spirit, silvan [in relation to wayfarers]). And in old times it was used to distinguish a sinner, a person misled by the devil and overwhelmed by dark evil thoughts. :devil: And, btw, if they wanted to write literally "F*** Trump", they should have written "Nakhuj Trampa". Hehehe:cthulhu:
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Hey, that works, too! :p Thank you for translating! :)
Those were not my words, hehehe:leer:. But what pisses me off the most in this situation, is that everybody uses the image of Russia as a world evil, the main enemy of democracy all over the world. They even swear in russian.:hmm: And it looks like it was made up by russians. :mad: So... f*** that agency:D.
So Trump gave an interview to a trashy british newspaper during which he said, amongst other things, that Boris Johnson (rumoured to take over if May is forced out as PM) would make a great PM and that UK's trade deal with the EU was going to torpedo probably any US trade deal, and this interview came out while Trump and May were at dinner together.
So Trump gave an interview to a trashy british newspaper during which he said, amongst other things, that Boris Johnson (rumoured to take over if May is forced out as PM) would make a great PM and that UK's trade deal with the EU was going to torpedo probably any US trade deal, and this interview came out while Trump and May were at dinner together.
Yeah, he's a real class act.
So Trump gave an interview to a trashy british newspaper during which he said, amongst other things, that Boris Johnson (rumoured to take over if May is forced out as PM) would make a great PM and that UK's trade deal with the EU was going to torpedo probably any US trade deal, and this interview came out while Trump and May were at dinner together.
He is beyond classless. Every time that I think he can't sink lower, he does.
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