NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Not sure if anyone's seen Trump's latest tweet claiming that the protestors were paid to protest. Yeah, thousands of people gathering to protest all over the planet are all paid to be there. Who paid them? How much would they have been paid with so many thousands showing up, 25 cents a head? Is this what he's going to do as president? FDR gave fireside chats over the radio telling people not to be afraid as the banks closed and the Great Depression got worse. This nut will regularly tweet out dumbass statements insulting the people he's supposed to be leading while he lets the 1% get away with not paying taxes, forces the tax burden onto those who can barely afford it, and tanks the economy.
I so wanted to rate that as funny, but it's too tragic. Tragically funny. LOL :fp:
So now Trump does not want to repeal the ACA. he likes the clause that allows for prexisting conditions and children staying under their parents insurance until they are 26...
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I've gotten maybe 10-11 hours of sleep in the past few days, insulted Trump supporters non-stop, and I'm done ranting. Because of stories like these, I've decided it's time to come out of mourning and do something.

Wave of hate crimes against Muslims, Hispanics and black people reported since Donald Trump’s win

I'm going to try to organize a page and a private group on Facebook of people who want to protect against and prevent the hate crimes. Work on getting corporations to donate to getting pepper spray, tasers, and self defense classes for those that are the most vulnerable, and promise to stop any abuse you see going on. Anyone who advocates for violence will be out.

What do you think?
Warning, lots of bad language. Which is why I put it here since the thread is already NSFW.

What the heck is this...for one thing, it's depressing.
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I've gotten maybe 10-11 hours of sleep in the past few days, insulted Trump supporters non-stop, and I'm done ranting. Because of stories like these, I've decided it's time to come out of mourning and do something.

Wave of hate crimes against Muslims, Hispanics and black people reported since Donald Trump’s win

I'm going to try to organize a page and a private group on Facebook of people who want to protect against and prevent the hate crimes. Work on getting corporations to donate to getting pepper spray, tasers, and self defense classes for those that are the most vulnerable, and promise to stop any abuse you see going on. Anyone who advocates for violence will be out.

What do you think?

Do it. Let us Facebook users know when you do.
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I ended up in ER friday rushed by ambulance because i got worked up with results of election and dealing with people, got overly stressed and worked upped that i couldn't stop vomiting and couldn't hold a thing down.
I ended up in ER friday rushed by ambulance because i got worked up with results of election and dealing with people, got overly stressed and worked upped that i couldn't stop vomiting and couldn't hold a thing down.

:hug: Oh dear. I hope you're feeling better. This awful election is doing that to a lot of people, apparently.
Hope you're feeling better, peacefulveglady. :hug:
I ended up in ER friday rushed by ambulance because i got worked up with results of election and dealing with people, got overly stressed and worked upped that i couldn't stop vomiting and couldn't hold a thing down.
Oh, Jesus, sweetie!! :eek: Are you doing OK now?? :hug:
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