NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Sarah Palin is actually the least dangerous of the individuals being considered for Secretary of the Interior. I never thought I'd say that, but unfortunately it's true.

The problem with cities doing that is that they can be blocked from receiving any federal funding, which is what Trump has already said he plans to do to sanctuary cities. If I remember correctly, that's something he can do by executive 0rder, without need for congressional approval.
Sarah Palin is actually the least dangerous of the individuals being considered for Secretary of the Interior. I never thought I'd say that, but unfortunately it's true.

The problem with cities doing that is that they can be blocked from receiving any federal funding, which is what Trump has already said he plans to do to sanctuary cities. If I remember correctly, that's something he can do by executive 0rder, without need for congressional approval.
Well, thanks, that sure cheered me up! :| LOL :p
Harry Reid:

“We as a nation must find a way to move forward without consigning those who Trump has threatened to the shadows,” he wrote. “Their fear is entirely rational, because Donald Trump has talked openly about doing terrible things to them. Every news piece that breathlessly obsesses over inauguration preparations compounds their fear by normalizing a man who has threatened to tear families apart, who has bragged about sexually assaulting women and who has directed crowds of thousands to intimidate reporters and assault African Americans. Their fear is legitimate and we must refuse to let it fall through the cracks between the fluff pieces.”

Why Aren’t More Democrats Talking Like Harry Reid Right Now?
At least we know Sarah Palin wont try and invade Russia. She will just wave at it from her house.
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The man planning how a Trump administration can obliterate Obama’s environmental legacy is Myron Ebell, a Washington fixture who has long been a cheerful warrior against what he sees as an alarmist, overzealous environmental movement that has used global warming as a pretext for expanding government. Ebell has argued for opening up more federal lands for logging, oil and gas exploration and coal mining, and for turning over more permitting authority to the states. And he has urged the Senate to vote to reject an international climate accord signed last year in Paris.
Ebell, who is not a scientist, has long questioned the overwhelming scientific consensus that human activity is fueling unprecedented global warming. He also has staunchly opposed what he calls energy rationing, instead arguing that the United States should unleash the full power of coal, oil and gas to fuel economic growth and job creation.
Trump taps climate-change skeptic to oversee EPA transition

From the article:
"Clinton owed it to her supporters to warn them of this impending collapse of the norms fundamental to a liberal democracy. Instead, she acted as though the election of Trump was business as usual. It wasn’t, and it’s perilous to pretend otherwise."

For months Hillary, Obama, and various other surrogates have been warning us that Trump is unstable and unhinged and not qualified to be president.

Shortly after the election, they are saying "he's our president now, give him a chance".

They are simply doing what outgoing leaders in democracies are supposed to do, and that is acknowledge the will of the people.

So Obama's supposed to go on TV these week and say, "Be afraid. Be very afraid"?
Some reactions on waking up after 11/9.


Have you read this open letter from Leslie Knope? Please don’t; if you did, grow the **** up. The people I know who have shared this in earnest over the past 48 hours–and there are so many–were the same voices engaging in incessant, hollow cheerleading for a candidate who has orchestrated people’s deaths abroad. This has now paved the way for a leader who will do the same, more visibly and with more energy, on home turf. And yet my feeds are now saturated with dilweeds who seek refuge underneath missives from fictional characters and the man who created Will McAvoy. They can even placate themselves by deigning to speak to their bodega owners for the first time, gaining “unexpected” and “surprising” epiphanies along the way.

These puerile rhetorical gestures reveal the people for whom 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday was simply a glass ceiling left unbroken by a woman who launched a massive Yemeni bombing campaign. Perhaps as a mechanic of coping, it has become incredibly sexy for a certain class of liberals to dodge any responsibility for the lives they, too, have compromised. They aren’t the same ones who have to worry about who will be the first person to call them a terrorist ******.

For the rest of us, the victory of this fascist is a confirmation of the biases we have known all along, no matter public liberal consciousness’s inabilities to wrangle them into submission. I have had unerring nightmares every night since getting profiled by a member of the NYPD the night before 9/11 this year. Now, I live not with fear but, rather, with the understanding that this will increase; the question is one of how soon my next brush will be. Yesterday, a dear friend of mine–older, white, straight, male, coronated with an Ivy League degree, etc.–texted me that we have now entered a “waking nightmare.” I don’t quite know how to respond to this, because I wonder what nightmares he’s known thus prior, and whether they look like mine; all I can say is “Welcome.”
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wow i am not bloody happy , first and foremost my birthday was tuesday what awful Birthday gift.

Happy birthday. I'm so, so sorry it had to coincide with all this garbage.

I ended up in ER friday rushed by ambulance because i got worked up with results of election and dealing with people, got overly stressed and worked upped that i couldn't stop vomiting and couldn't hold a thing down.

I had the worst anxiety attack and mental breakdown on Tuesday night that I've had in two years. You're not alone in feeling physically ill because of this travesty. I hope you're feeling better enough now to keep going.
This whole week, I've only heard a handful of things that really, truly, helped me feel a little bit better. One of those things is this message from Travis McElroy.

If you don't know who that is, all you need to know is he's a YouTube personality and podcast creator. But that context isn't needed to get the message. It's the most honest, smart, and empathetic thing I've heard anyone say in the wake of this nightmare, and if you have an extra eight minutes, I sincerely recommend giving it a listen. You might just come out the other side feeling a little bit better.
I had the worst anxiety attack and mental breakdown on Tuesday night that I've had in two years. You're not alone in feeling physically ill because of this travesty. I hope you're feeling better enough now to keep going.

Sorry, FortyTwo. :hug:
Just turned on the TV for the Sunday politics-
Trumps draining the swamp to fill cabinet positions
Stopped on a religious channel to hear talk on how Muhammed used ethnic cleansing everywhere
Saw a commercial for Scientology on CNN! o_O
I may run to the store instead
Just turned on the TV for the Sunday politics-
Trumps draining the swamp to fill cabinet positions
Stopped on a religious channel to hear talk on how Muhammed used ethnic cleansing everywhere
Saw a commercial for Scientology on CNN! o_O
I may run to the store instead
wow i have music choice on the holiday music channel while playing my games.. i might just put on hallmark channels they have Christmas and holiday movies on.
I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank
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