Thought experiment: take a box travelling close to c. Wouldn't the front of the box appear to be moving away from the observer faster than the back, due to a larger component of its velocity being that which is the moving away(from the observer) part relative to the observer.
A would appear to be moving away from the observer than B.
If you imagine a really big box whose back end was close to the observer, B would hardly be moving away from the observer, but A would be moving away at close to v(the speed of the box).
Maybe as a atom omitting a photon oscillates forwards and backwards, it appears to speed up and slow down.....Maybe that would cause the path of the photon to be at an angle, and the observer sees the object magnified?
I dunno, this is just an idea.

A would appear to be moving away from the observer than B.
If you imagine a really big box whose back end was close to the observer, B would hardly be moving away from the observer, but A would be moving away at close to v(the speed of the box).
Maybe as a atom omitting a photon oscillates forwards and backwards, it appears to speed up and slow down.....Maybe that would cause the path of the photon to be at an angle, and the observer sees the object magnified?
I dunno, this is just an idea.