no, what he did was release information about the factory farm in the US. Information that wasn't available before. He isn't suppressing information about the dogs being skinned.
Good grief. The information about government surveillance wasn't any more of a secret than factory farms are, to anyone who has bothered to pay attention to legislation and news in the last several decades. What Snowden did was release a bunch of classified, specific, information which became obsolete almost immediately upon release, and did nothing more than possibly cost some operatives working undercover in various less than desirable areas of the world their lives. The rest is simply posturing, just like various governments act outraged when there's a news story about one government spying on another, friendly, government. ZOMG! The Israelis have operatives in the U.S.! The U.S. is listening in on Merkel's phone conversations! The Russians are bugging the U.S. embassy! The horror! None of us is doing anything like that!
When I'm online, I keep having ads for things I've looked at on other sites pop up in my current window. I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but that tells me that what I do online is being tracked by commercial interests. If every freakin' insignificant site I visit, every product I look at, is being tracked to maximize the chances that someone can sell me something, I'd have to be incredibly naïve to think that the government doesn't have the same capacity that merchants do. So, even if I had never read a news item, never paid any attention to things like the Patriot Act, the surveillance capabilities of the government would not have come as a great big shocking surprise to me.
I'm also still waiting for a list of U.S. citizens in the public eye who have been made to "disappear"....