Too much fat? Gut Dysbiosis


Feb 21, 2017
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  1. Vegan newbie

I've been fighting against a gut dysbiosis for about 4 years.

I am gluten free, and been reacting to all grains as well, even white rice, so I gave it up too.
"So let's eat tons of sweet potatoes." No... my stomach just can't digest it well.

Now, in a new treatment phase, with a new doctor, which sugested me to cut some of my carbs, like bananas and try to raise calories with fats. Mostly avocados, walnuts, flaxseeds and coconuts.

Here is the macros:

3100 calories
Carbs: 8,33 g/kg (50%)
Proteins: 1,12 g/kg (15%)
Fat: 2,34 g/kg (35%)

I'm a little affraid of raising the fats so much like this. Allthough its not a keto diet, it's very different from what I'm used to listen about diet.

I'd appreciate to hear some thought from you guys!

Go to and search on "gut dysbiosis".

Then go to Google and search on "Food with the most resistant starch". Resistant starch and fiber feed good bacteria. Sugar, other sweeteners, refined flour products, and other processed food feeds the bad bacteria.

Then consider buying yourself a good probiotic, knowing if it causes a lot of gas it is because you are having a mass die off of bad bacteria. Give it a couple of days.

I recommend Hyperbiotics Brand Pro 15, my brother-in-law is an MD who has thoroughly researched it.
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Go to and search on "gut dysbiosis".

Then go to Google and search on "Food with the most resistant starch". Resistant starch and fiber feed good bacteria. Sugar, other sweeteners, refined flour products, and other processed food feeds the bad bacteria.

Then consider buying yourself a good probiotic, knowing if it causes a lot of gas it is because you are having a mass die off of bad bacteria. Give it a couple of days.

I recommend Hyperbiotics Brand Pro 15, my brother-in-law is an MD who has thoroughly researched it.
Kinda odd that you recommend Dr Gregers advice and then give advice that he disagrees about! He does not advise probiotics!
I'm just pointing this out- I don't know enough about either, I've been following a Dr Greger group.
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