Sociology Urban folks don't handle spontaneous visits, house too untidy

I tend to leave things the way they are - clean enough, but not necessarily tidy. This isn't a showhome, people live here; so that's what it looks like.

Unless my mum is coming over. Then it has to look like a showhome. Because, despite living in the dirtiest, messiest house I've ever seen, my mother will judge everyone else's homes mercilessly. If she thinks a single thing is out of place, there will be a snide remark. Thankfully, she lives too far away to visit often.
I don't like spontaneous visits. I tend to let things pile up, then go on a cleaning spree. I've been focused on decluttering - my closets are filled with crap - so any cleaning I do is minimal. It's not unsanitary or anything like that in here, but it's not as clean as I would like it to be. Oh well.