US US politics 2025

I was watching YT and then switched over to the BBC and started watching for a while. It seems so strange how old Barron Trump is now. I remember watching him yawning at the first one and he looked so young.
The Meidas team did honour Dr King at the beginning of the stream and props to them for that. They have already raised over $32,000 for the Humane Society and again now more about Dr King. Over 21,000 are watching the livestream.

so far almost 250,000 views and over $82,000 raised - it was a lot of fun to have playing in the background for 4 hours

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Last night, the "Coast To Coast" night-time radio program did a long segment on the life and accomplishments of Dr Martin Luther King. I enjoy their usual (weird) content, but this was better.
Very cool. I think I have mentioned that I used to listen to that show all the time, but I haven't done so in years.
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Last night, the "Coast To Coast" night-time radio program did a long segment on the life and accomplishments of Dr Martin Luther King. I enjoy their usual (weird) content, but this was better.

we listen to it a lot - that is how we found Dr McDougall - so thankful

The Meidas team fundraiser is now over $88,000 for the Humane Society with 4 days left.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Gotta wonder just how deranged trump can get.. this forum gonna remain respectful of DEI, or follow rumps rules and change everyone's pronouns to female? :ignore:

Trump’s signed order states: “It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female.  These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.” The order defines terms like “man” and “woman” based on whether a person “at conception” belongs “to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell” or that “produces the small reproductive cell.”

Trump’s order then directs federal agencies to “enforce laws governing sex-based rights, protections, opportunities, and accommodations” using his cramped definitions, including designating sex on passports and other federal identification documents, or determining where transgender people are confined in federal custody. The order also includes a sweeping mandate to all agencies to “end the Federal funding of gender ideology.” Of course, the order does not explain what that means or how agencies would accomplish such a task.
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As a rule, I don't understand how/why anyone would have a problem with how someone identifies themselves as regards their gender- with one possible exception: would women have a problem with a biological male using a women's rest room? Nowadays, I see single-occupant rest rooms being made available for either gender- and if this becomes the norm, my question will be moot.
As a rule, I don't understand how/why anyone would have a problem with how someone identifies themselves as regards their gender- with one possible exception: would women have a problem with a biological male using a women's rest room? Nowadays, I see single-occupant rest rooms being made available for either gender- and if this becomes the norm, my question will be moot.
what I have issue with is the idea that allowing trans people to use the bathroom that aligns with their identity is somehow going to give cis gendered males free range to come into womens rooms and assault them
I do not have any problem with people that identify as women using the same room--know what? we have stalls-with doors.
I honestly am far more bothered with why woman need to fear men

Just wait for these terfs to have girls that don't quite conform to the feminine standards, and get asked to prove their sex, or just simply bullied
Yeah, they're taking America backwards alright :mad:
I often work with a transwoman, who still needs surgeries to complete her transition, that is magat. It's so dam awkward because it seems every conversation ends up with me going silent. There is no way to have a normal discussion with people who not only believe conspiricies, but refuse to acknowledge the people they support will in fact, eat their face....
Gotta wonder just how deranged trump can get.. this forum gonna remain respectful of DEI, or follow rumps rules and change everyone's pronouns to female? :ignore:
I sure hope it will remain respectful of DEI. I have no issue with the various pronouns people use to identify themselves. I also don't understand all the hoopla about bathrooms. In a house, everyone in a family or whatever, regardless of gender, uses the same bathroom. As you said, silva, most of the public bathrooms have stalls and doors.
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we watched a long interview about Disclosure last night and it is fascinating and it also gave us hope that maybe some big events will help to bring about the change that we all long for...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Seems Trump phoned the Danish PM and demanded they hand over Greenland. The PM refused and stood her ground and was threatened for it. Greenlanders don't want to be ruled by America, contrary to Trump's lies and MAGA say it is their manifest destiny and that the US are dominant predators.
can anyone explain where this idea came from?

he wanted to do it last time he was in power.... lots of resources (although a big challenge to mine) and strategic placement to the north west passage - which are the same reasons he wants us in Canada

btw way, he is not smart enough to come up with this knowledge on his own so check who is whispering in his ear behind the scenes..... rhymes with Uneven Willer....

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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