I certainly don't feel anything like that!!!
If anything, then Hilary (together with the DNC) is one of the worst culprits responsible for the current mess.
You're not wrong about that. The DNC did set up the Cheeto as an obvious losing candidate to campaign Clinton against, and certainly helped get him where he is now due to a serious underestimation of how ridiculous the electoral college is. But I honestly think the integrity of the Democratic party (it has none) is a separate issue from whether or not it, corruption and all, would have been a better alternative to the surreal shitshow going on right now (it wouldn't be a
viable alternative but it would at least be stable and accomplish at least a few surface level things. Not the change we deserve even remotely but vastly preferable to the toddler in chief).
And I certainly do not think that it is misogynistic to point out that a horrible female candidate should not be selected over a good male candidate because she is a woman. I would have campaigned for Elizabeth Warren any day
Nope, and I agree with you there, I would have preferred Sanders to Clinton by far, and still do. But it's important to acknowledge that misogyny
as a cultural construct played a role in downplaying Clinton as a candidate and allowing the Cheeto - who regardless of your opinion on Clinton is quite possibly the worst presidential candidate in history and thus by default a poorer alternative than even the most corrupt ******* - to get as far as he did despite doing literally everything wrong.
It used to be that people in the US could debate politics with those who have different opinions, and listen to speeches from those with whom they disagree without shouting, violence, name-calling, and labelling. Those days are gone, at least lately.
Hey, if someone wants to debate things that are a matter of reasonable disagreement, I'm all for it. However, whether or not people deserve basic human rights is not up for debate. It's not a matter of opinion. If someone supports the people who want to rob good people, innocent people,
my friends, of their human rights, treat them like dirt and get them hurt or killed, then I'm not going to entertain their opinion because them trying to enforce their opinion is an act of violence. I am going to do everything within my power to prevent them from hurting innocent people, because people having human rights is more important to me than some distant ideal of respecting every side of a disagreement, even when one or more of those sides happily advocates the systems through which murder and even genocide is enacted, constantly.
Interesting tidbit: In a poll taken about a month or two ago, an unnamed Democrat beat dt handily in a projected 2020 election, but dt beat Elizabeth Warren handily. That means (a) Americans prefer dt over a progressive, 0r (b) misogyny plays a powerful role, or (c) both (a) and (b).
I won't say you're wrong, but I will say that at this point, I distrust polls so much that if I were stuck in a burning building and a poll came to help me get out, I would tackle that poll to the ground and let us both burn, because it would be worth it to get rid of that great deceiver before it could spread its lies further.