Why is
that so hard to fathom? I pretty much went vegan in this way. I thought I was going to transition slower, but ended up throwing out everything in my cupboards and fridge that wasn't vegan, pretty well overnight, and never looked back. For me, once I had my mind made up, it was an easy decision.
It's a choice you make, yourself. Whether that choice is now, as in cold turkey, or gradual, as in a slow transition, that choice is yours to make. It also really doesn't matter how long it takes someone. It's not like it's some sort of contest to see who gets there first. This is about what works best for you. I don't find it surprising at all when people go cold turkey.
Furthermore, we all don't go vegan for the same reason. Your reason might seem more urgent to do away with animal products, such as serious health conditions or ethical ones, religious, etc. Maybe I watched the documentary "Earthlings" and found it so horrific, which it is, I went cold turkey from that day forward. All of these reasons can motivate urgency.
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