Veganism curing sciatica?


Jan 29, 2019
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Los Angeles
  1. Vegan newbie
I've been dealing with sciatica for over 20 years. I've tried many different cures, therapies, exercises over the years but nothing has really helped. In addition, about seven years ago I started getting meralgia paresthetica which is numbness on the outside of the thigh. At the beginning of this year I decided to try veganism to see if it would work. Not only that but I also decided to get rid of all oil as well. In addition to veganism I also practice fasting and earthing. I believe all three: Veganism, Earthing, and Fasting to be the Trifecta of personal health. So, I began with a 6 day fast literally on January 1st and then began my oil-free vegan lifestyle and I also ground/earth myself in bed every night. It's been a month and not to bore you with details but it's been an emotionally and physically challenging journey but I believe I have gotten through the worst of it.

I'm curious if anyone out there has cured there sciatica or other problems with becoming vegan. I'm a 44 year old male who has been a runner my whole life. Yes, I did run through the pain for many years but I have finally given up. I'll never get surgery. What has your experience been? Thanks
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Hey StrawberryField,

I highly doubt it’s related to veganism.

I have given many of my clients relief from issues such as sciatica and shin splints. Let me know what stretches you do and I can advise :)

Also, can you describe your bag that you carry every day. Is it a backpack? How low does it go?

Cheers b
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I'm guessing you thought I said veganism is causing my sciatica. I'm trying veganism to see if it will cure my sciatica.

I should also point out that my sciatica only flares up if I workout. Usually lower body stuff or running. If I don't work out I only have a very mild numbness with an occasional flare up but nothing debilitating.

The only stretch I do that gives me the best relief is bending my leg at a 90 degree angle and putting it over the other leg. I then bend over and get that stretch deep in the buttock. Sometimes I just wonder if I've been dealing with piraformis syndrome all this time.

I don't really carry a backpack or bag on a regular basis.

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I don't think veganism will help sciatica... but it will help lots of other things :)

Try these 2 stretches, they should give you almost instant relief... please ensure your muscles are warm before stretching, alternatively ease slowly into the stretch... very slowly. If you feel any pain, discontinue immediately. Discomfort is what we are targeting, not pain.

Get a belt
Lie on your back
Lift one leg
Thread the belt around the ball of the lifted foot and then pull toward you
This is not a muscle stretch! In fact it should feel different from a normal stretch, like a 'yucky' feeling behind your leg.

Second stretch is a spinal twist, but get another person to push down lightly on shoulder and hip to increase the stretch

You can also modify the stretch you currently do by lifting the toes on the front foot as you do the stretch. You achieve this by stepping your front toes on a step. This will enhance the stretch.

When you get back into your exercise it is a good idea to have someone analyse the way you run, footwear, etc bc it sounds like that is the cause.

Good Luck :)
The only stretch I do that gives me the best relief is bending my leg at a 90 degree angle and putting it over the other leg. I then bend over and get that stretch deep in the buttock. Sometimes I just wonder if I've been dealing with piraformis syndrome all this time.

I've had this issue before, and it was caused by lack of use of my illiotibial band. It was tight and weak. It may or may not help with the sciatica, but is what my physical therapist prescribed for my piriformis issues and has helped with my hip issues (locking/freezing).

Try 3 sets of 10, side-lying leg raises, each leg, every other day. Do ITB stretching every day. Also, just generally try to get up and move around more if you're not already.
A quick Google search would provide how-to videos if they're not in your repertoire.
I've had this issue before, and it was caused by lack of use of my illiotibial band. It was tight and weak. It may or may not help with the sciatica, but is what my physical therapist prescribed for my piriformis issues and has helped with my hip issues (locking/freezing).

Try 3 sets of 10, side-lying leg raises, each leg, every other day. Do ITB stretching every day. Also, just generally try to get up and move around more if you're not already.
A quick Google search would provide how-to videos if they're not in your repertoire.
Thx. I'll give it a try
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Thx. I'll give it a try[/Q
I've had this issue before, and it was caused by lack of use of my illiotibial band. It was tight and weak. It may or may not help with the sciatica, but is what my physical therapist prescribed for my piriformis issues and has helped with my hip issues (locking/freezing).

Try 3 sets of 10, side-lying leg raises, each leg, every other day. Do ITB stretching every day. Also, just generally try to get up and move around more if you're not already.
A quick Google search would provide how-to videos if they're not in your repertoire.
Three Chick Peas. I can't thank you enough. I looked online about IT Band syndrome and decided to do a few exercises this morning and already it's feeling better. I can't believe I never caught on to this in the first place!! The last 7 years have of this have prevented me from doing a lot of my own personal running goals: marathons, half marathons, 10ks ect. I am definitely getting on a routine and beating this thing once and for all! Now, if I can only find a stator for my 81 Seca 550 motorcycle I'd be a really happy man. Thanks again!
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Thanks again!

Glad its done something for you already! I usually feel wonky and walk weird immediately after doing them, but you do start to realize as you walk how much they tie into everything. The more consistent you can do it, the better long-term results you'll have. After not being able to run a 1/4 mile, I transitioned into playing soccer only a year later, so there's definitely some improvement. Hopefully it will help your issues.

Best of luck!
Hello and welcome! I, too, began my vegan "journey" with a 7-day water only fast in August of 2017. I don't have sciatica, but I had a lot of inflammation, and IBS, which are are now gone. I attribute this not only to the fasting an vegan diet, but a whole food plant based no oil diet. I have rid myself of 2 moles with turmeric (whole turmeric applied directly), and there was one on my arm that literally just fell off. Might sound crazy, but that's my real-life experience.

So happy the stretches are working for you!!
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Hello and welcome! I, too, began my vegan "journey" with a 7-day water only fast in August of 2017. I don't have sciatica, but I had a lot of inflammation, and IBS, which are are now gone. I attribute this not only to the fasting an vegan diet, but a whole food plant based no oil diet. I have rid myself of 2 moles with turmeric (whole turmeric applied directly), and there was one on my arm that literally just fell off. Might sound crazy, but that's my real-life experience.

So happy the stretches are working for you!!
Very interesting stuff. I've never done much research on moles but I heard they can be cancerous. Glad things are working for you. I'm curious what the next year will bring me going oil-free and vegan. Sounds like things are working well for you though. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting 7 day water only fast? Absolutely NOTHING but water? How much water per day? Side effects? Internal cleansing? Curious as it sounds doable.
Interesting 7 day water only fast? Absolutely NOTHING but water? How much water per day? Side effects? Internal cleansing? Curious as it sounds doable.

water fasts are interesting and not something that I have tried - I would suggest that you do a lot of research before starting one and maybe building up to it by doing a one day fast first and then build up gradually - you must be careful of drinking a lot of water, if you do not already do so, as it can throw out your electrolyte balance and that is not a good thing

the following is a podcast from one of my favourite doctors, Dr Neal Barnard 💕 , and you may find it helpful... (and your wife will love Neal)

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

I'm no expert but I thought the water fast had been relegated to a fad.

I also think that some sciatica is not "curable". it seems like most Drs just treat it with pain meds.
I expect that physical therapy should help.
This may be another example of the best advice being: ask your Doctor.
Interesting 7 day water only fast? Absolutely NOTHING but water? How much water per day? Side effects? Internal cleansing? Curious as it sounds doable.

There are many reasons that cause sciatica. I suffered when I had periods, it was improved with a mostly wfpb diet, but resolved in menopause.
Inflammation is a leading cause, so removing oils, sugars, processed carbs and animal products will certainly decrease infalmmation as cause. Tumeric with a touch of black pepper is also a help.

Here are some very helpful links on sciatica, from my favorite doctor-

Remember, in many cases moderation can completely negate any benefits you could have, so if you want to know if a wfpb diet without sugars or oils, do your best to strictly follow it or you may never know
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Remember, in many cases moderation can completely negate any benefits you could have, so if you want to know if a wfpb diet without sugars or oils, do your best to strictly follow it or you may never know

is that from Dr. Gregar?
"Completely Negate" doesn't seem right.
is that from Dr. Gregar?
"Completely Negate" doesn't seem right.
I said that, although Greger (er), and most others, have attested that if you want to know whether your diet can affect health conditions cheating on it isn't going to give you the answer.
If you want the truth, cut animal products, stick to whole plant foods, cut sugar and oil.
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I said that, although Greger (er), and most others, have attested that if you want to know whether your diet can affect health conditions cheating on it isn't going to give you the answer.
If you want the truth, cut animal products, stick to whole plant foods, cut sugar and oil.
Oh. yeah I agree with that.
and without any evidence on my part, I would think that following a diet about 90% of the time should result in 90% of the benefits. But sure if its a serious health condition, 90% is probably not good enough.
However there is that gut biome thing. Like I said before I can't remember the conclusions.
I don't want anyone to think I mean it's only beneficial to go 100%--not at all. I'm referring to people who have a condition they hope to resolve from diet. For that objective, yes, either go 100% for the proper time to see results, or don't complain that it has no benefit. I've know too many, actually all either type 2 diabetes or heart issues, who complain going vegan didn't help them, but also those who finally did go big and had their heart diseases resolve beyond their previous doctors expectations.
Once you know, then you can start seeing what little changes in diet will do, but in the beginning--go big!