Hey, first time posting ! I'll explain my situation a bit so the subject's clearer. I live in a meat-eating family, that wouldn't abandon this habit to save their lives. I decided to stop knowingly eating animal products a month ago. My parents have been, surprisingly, understanding and supportive and I absolutely can't complain about my situation. The thing is, I don't have the control over what they buy, so they sometimes make mistakes and buy things that seemingly don't contain animal byproducts, but do. As the reason for my new diet is mostly environmental(I am also not indifferent to animal cruelty), I feel like wasting that food would be against the spirit of that said diet, and that as a "vegan" the part I should stay away from is buying (encouraging) the animal production industry and that, once it's done, I have no more power. So, basically, I eat following a "vegan" diet, but struggling with waste. That's where the title comes into play, I found myself thinking: can I call myself Vegan? I follow the philosophy and diet, but once a week or two weeks, I make a mistake or don't want to create any evitable waste or trash so I'm constrained to eat animal byproduct? And I realised that the word was taking too much place, that the ethical reasoning was dimmed down by the appeal of the "trendy title". So I wondered if any of you ever looked at it the same way and what you consider "veganism": a really strict diet, or a philosophy and a will to change things?