I love rabbits.
I was raised omni, but there was always a lot of veggies and fruit available. My mom and I lived with my grandparents, who had a huge veggie garden every year and went to you-pick-it orchards for peaches and apples and such. My grandma froze, canned, pickled, and made jelly every year so we had cheap fruit and veg year-round. However, my grandpa was a hunter, so there was also always meat in the freezer.
From a young age, I tended to prefer to eat more veggies and less meat, and I almost never ate meat if it was wild game - I just didn't like the flavor. I was also extremely picky about what cuts of meat I would eat, so if those weren't available (and they often weren't) I would just eat the starch and veg parts of the meal. I've never been too picky about veggies, though, and grew up happy to eat things a lot of kids don't like. (More spinach, please!)
After we moved out of my grandparent's house, my mom decided to have us be vegetarian for about a year just to save money. She wasn't actually vegetarian- she would eat meat at family events and such, but I took it Very Seriously and refused meat everywhere. Eventually she started buying it again, though, and since money was still tight I often had to choose between eating what she cooked and going hungry, so I just fell back into being omni.
(Later on, in college, I dated a vegetarian guy so I ate veg*n when we ate together, and was mostly veg*n for the two years we lived together. Eventually becoming vegetarian wasn't really a difficult transition for me.)
From a young age, I tended to prefer to eat more veggies and less meat, and I almost never ate meat if it was wild game - I just didn't like the flavor. I was also extremely picky about what cuts of meat I would eat, so if those weren't available (and they often weren't) I would just eat the starch and veg parts of the meal. I've never been too picky about veggies, though, and grew up happy to eat things a lot of kids don't like. (More spinach, please!)
After we moved out of my grandparent's house, my mom decided to have us be vegetarian for about a year just to save money. She wasn't actually vegetarian- she would eat meat at family events and such, but I took it Very Seriously and refused meat everywhere. Eventually she started buying it again, though, and since money was still tight I often had to choose between eating what she cooked and going hungry, so I just fell back into being omni.
(Later on, in college, I dated a vegetarian guy so I ate veg*n when we ate together, and was mostly veg*n for the two years we lived together. Eventually becoming vegetarian wasn't really a difficult transition for me.)