What are You Having For (Vegetarian) Lunch/Dinner/Snack? 2018

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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
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I made soft tortillas stuffed with cauldron spicy sausages, guacamole with chipotle hot sauce.

Strawberries, soya yogurt&cream with a drizzle of mango/passion fruit coulis for dessert.
I got it off Amazon.

I try to get most things I buy off Amazon, rather than keep handing over my card details for each purchase.
Last night`s dinner was a wholewheat tortilla with vegan cheese, tofurkey sausage, guacamole,rocket. Cheescake for dessert.
Wild garlic Quorn sausages, mini new potatoes,peas with olive oil spread. A bag of fresh cherries, strawberries and blueberries. All from the UK except for the peas. :D
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Wholewheat and masa tortillas filled with Quorn nuggets, guacamole, tomatoes and lettuce with chipotle sauce.
Yoo Moo frozen yogurt with fresh strawberries for dessert.
I was going to make a "chicken" curry but I realised as I was frying the onions that I didn't have any garam masala or curry powder :rolleyes: so I made it into a stew with potatoes, olives, tomatoes, paprika and italian herbs and had it with some slices of baguette.:lick:
I had a veggie burger, wholewheat linguine, steamed broccoli with a drizzle of evo.
Strawberries, soya yogurt with liquid stevia for dessert.
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Corn on the cob, potato salad, two small tomatoes (raw, quartered with salt and pepper), and a Gardein chik'n slider.

I have just a bit of Trader Joe's strawberry flavor coconut milk ice cream that I'll eat in the bath in a few minutes.
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Quorn chicken style nuggets with steamed courgettes, with Cornish sea salt, lemon pepper and a drizzle of evo.

Mixed berries with soya yogurt and a drizzle of soya cream with stevia.
I'm making vegetable chilli atm, with peppers, courgette and butternut squash. Will eat it over jacket potatoes.

Lots of homemade iced green tea. I can't believe I've never tried making it before... so easy... so delicious...
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