Music What are you listening to now?

I'm wondering ....can't people make their own chanels or something on Spotify or Pandora. and then we can all listen to the Veganite channel whenever we want to.

I'm quite sure I could create some fun playlists. I'm not sure who, besides yourself, would appreciate all my tastes in music though. I don't expect everyone to like everything I post. We all have different tastes and I totally respect that. I do appreciate when someone else likes something I'm enjoying though.

While I do like the concept, I don't have spotify. Any place that's not good enough for Neil Young, ain't good enough for me either. lol. No, seriously,, I'm just too cheap. I have so many other sources for music, I just don't need their platform. Besides, I cook for a hobby these days. I'd never have the time to dedicate to a channel of my own. I do find listening to music while I cook is a great pleasure. I sometimes make a personal playlist for that.

I'm quite sure I could create some fun playlists. I'm not sure who, besides yourself, would appreciate all my tastes in music though. I don't expect everyone to like everything I post. We all have different tastes and I totally respect that. I do appreciate when someone else likes something I'm enjoying though.

While I do like the concept, I don't have spotify. Any place that's not good enough for Neil Young, ain't good enough for me either. lol. No, seriously,, I'm just too cheap. I have so many other sources for music, I just don't need their platform. Besides, I cook for a hobby these days. I'd never have the time to dedicate to a channel of my own. I do find listening to music while I cook is a great pleasure. I sometimes make a personal playlist for that.

I just use the free versions of Spotify and pandora. but mostly I make playlists on Apple Music (iTunes).

I will look into sharing playlists - Maybe we can make something we can share that others would appreciate too.