hi Sax
Finished Ishmael - it was very good and definitely made me look at many things differently and helped me to understand many things in my life and why I have spent so much energy trying to be a Leaver.
Haven't been able to get the next two yet, have just finished Beyond Civilization and that was very good.
I wrote the following yesterday after reading the first part of Beyond Civilization:
We can't just turn away, we have to turn towards.
What did the current president, of the USA, as a candidate, offer to Americans that the other candidate did not?
A vision, a new direction, a promise of becoming a tribe, once again, something we all long for.
It didn't seem to matter that the vision was cloudy, the direction was maybe misguided, the tribe was exclusive rather than inclusive and monochrome rather than diverse.
Why is the pushback so agressive? The vision and direction are directly contrary to many, many Americans' vision of themselves and doesn't sit well in their hearts. The swamp is not draining, instead it is becoming smellier and messier as those in it fight amongst themselves to rule it and we are all sitting around the edges on bleachers watching the show and holding up score cards to rate our favorite contestants.
Despite the fact that so many people lead very solitary lives, even within crowded cities, we all want to be useful, appreciated, helpful members of a tribe that has a vision. When that desire to be part of a tribe which supports our ideals is not met then we risk becoming part of something else that is not a all what we truly desire. Does any child grow up saying they wish to be a bank robber? a drug dealer? a pimp? a rich man? no! Most say they wish to be a firefighter, a police officer, a doctor... heroes they can see that help other people. They equate helping with love and love with helping and who doesn't want to be surrounded by love. Somewhere along the way those ideals fall to side because the culture and the environment may be such that just surviving becomes the most important ideal.
How to get back to a vision of the country that doesn't include just surviving as its ideal? Elect officials, at all levels, that can present you with a vision that reaches your heart. It's not enough to be against something or someone, you have to have something to strive towards. An ideal that is inclusive, diverse, colorful, joyful where animals, children and adults and seniors thrive. It can be done, one household, one neighbourhood, one village/town/city, one state at a time. Don't accept anything less!
Emma JC