My first vegan pizza! Not only my first vegan pizza, my first pizza ever from scratch! (flour was provided)
I've never made pizza before(Edit: attempted but dough usually sucked as I previously had no bread/baking skills), and I consider this a success. The dough on the left pizza came out perfect, the one on the right needed more cooking (bottom of top down heated oven). Ingredients:
Dough: Wholemeal wheat flour, water, yeast (brewers), salt
Base: Tomato sauce with salt and a mix of Italian herbs (Garlic, Tomato, Basil, Onion, Black pepper, Oregano, Parsley, Marjoram, Red Bell pepper, tiny bit of Canola oil)
Toppings: Just sprouted lentils, peanuts, onion, garlic, nutritional yeast, olives
No vegan cheese because I've never tried it, and I have never liked cow milk cheese, so when I was a carni I always ordered my pizzas without it.
It was delicious! I am most pleased the dough came out good - I was expecting it to be a flop!