What did you eat for Dinner/Supper today?

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Left overs from yesterdays lunch ( cheese and veg patties ) and dinner, which ended up being mexican inspired bean casserole.
We had creamy pasta with seitan, mushrooms and spinach.
I'm making a portabella stew in the crock pot. Should be wonderful by the time I get home. I work ten hours and it's cold outside. Just wish I had more yeast rolls to go with it.
I'll be making creamy pasta with mushrooms and asparagus.
Roasted potatoes, pumpkin, beetroot, mushroom and eggplant. Served with a mint and spinach chutney.
Cooking enough for tomorrow as well, will dice all the veg stir through some chutney and a cheese sauce then roll it up in cabbage leaves. Steamed until warmed through
Last night was tofurky holiday roast with green beans, salad and mashed potatoes. Tonight will be tofu omelettes.
I made homemade split pea soup with veggie broth, garlic, onions, carrots, herbs and nutritional yeast, and pureed it in the blender. Ezekiel Bread toast on the side.
I'll be making veggie spaghetti. I have some tomato sauce to use.
Mixed beans I prepared with carrots, onion and left over kale stems, seasoned with solstice soup herbs and smoked lemon pepper. Sticky rice.

Dessert was frozen berries with chocolate syrup.
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