What Was The Last Thing You Ate?

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Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
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I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
  1. Vegetarian
I thought there was already a general thread for this, but I can't find it. If there is one, please point me to it, thanks.

This is for either vegetarian or vegan food, and not necessarily for whole meals but can also include snacks or what have you.

The last thing I ate was breakfast, actually. It was the last of the Cascadian Farm Cinnamon Crunch cereal with fresh blueberries and vanilla almond milk added. Plus some orange juice.
Mashed potatoes and broccoli.
For the third night in a row, I ate left over mixed vegetables and wild rice (good but I'm tired of it).
And then, while at the computer, I shared an orange with Mati (my dog). She has a thing for oranges.
Rice. And I'm hungry.
I took some Kroger's frozen stir-fry vegetables (for those that don't know - Kroger's is a store brand - my cousin made dinner at my house a few weeks ago and left a big bag of it behind - I tried to return it but she never took it, so...) I mixed it with a bottle of Ragu Parmesan Garlic sauce and heated it up. I had it over some spaghetti noodles. I also had one slice of dry whole wheat toast.
It was quick, simple, easy, and good. (though not lacto free)
Dinner was a tossed salad of mixed greens (heavy on the baby spinach leaves) with carrot and some sliced cucumber. I ate it with no dressing, for no reason other than I felt like it - I am on a diet, but I'm nowhere near my (self imposed) total for allowed daily calories, just felt like eating a naked salad. I also had 1/2 of a leftover baked potato and about an 1/8th of a cup of apple sauce for desert.

Oh, and I ate a nectarine at the computer.
Used my little electric chopper that I bought for making hummus (I was tired of using a potato masher, plus I felt like having a smoother product).
Last night I ran a carrot, 5 cloves of garlic, 1/2 of an onion, the stalk and 2 floret bunches of broccoli, a stalk of celery, a large handful of crimini mushrooms, what was left of a red bell pepper and a yellow bell pepper (about 1/4 of each), and a scant handful of slightly shriveled grape tomatoes through the chopper. I put the results in my largest sauce pan along with a splash of water and the contents of a ziplock bag of frozen cooked tomatoes (from last years garden - my last bag). I seasoned it with some powdered marjoram, dried oregano and black pepper and simmered the contents until the tomatoes thawed. I tasted it and decided it was too sweet, so I added some crushed red pepper.
I ate it over a mix of pastas (I cooked the end of several bags).
I used up several vegetables left over from other cooking forays, plus doing the same with the pasta.
I made enough to last me several days.
It's very filling and it tastes very good.

Today for dinner I once again had a small salad of mixed greens, cabbage, and carrot with sliced cucumber. This time I had a splash of Newman's Own Italian salad dressing on it. Plus I had the above, rewarmed and a small amount of cantaloupe for desert.
I'm full and happy.
A spider...well almost. Ha!
That was for Danielle since I posted about a spider on my pillow in the gripe thread, lol.
Today was a heavy fruit day - for dinner I had 4 apricots, 2 strawberries, a nectarine, and an orange.
I didn't feel like making anything.
Salad with field greens, tomato, avocado and black-eyed peas.
Lunch: A teriyaki noodle meal, some grapes, and some of the chocolate KLS52 sent me in the spring swap. :D
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Mushrooms, some garlic cloves, an onion, a green pepper, a carrot, and some broccoli, all sliced, chopped, or minced. I fried the vegetables in a little olive oil until the onion was translucent and the mushroom soft. While this was frying I cooked some clamshell pasta. Then I added some veg stock, a can of diced tomato, a can of tomato paste, and the pasta. I seasoned it with some oregano, basil, marjoram, and a touch of garlic powder (I wanted more garlic taste). It was good - which works out as I made so much that I'll be eating it for what I figure as a minimum of six more meals.

-This is a variation of what I called MOG stew when I was a kid. I would add Mushroom, Onion, and Green pepper (MOG) to tomato soup and season it with oregano and a touch of basil.
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My fingernail.
You'd think I'd have gotten smarter after doing this hundreds of times, and gotten some scissors or nail clippers to clean up my torn fingernail, but no, I have to make it worse by trying to fix it with my teeth.
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