What We Say to Our Pets (and what they say back to us)

Me: So, Bratt and Joon...you guys are officially my family now! Isn't that great! Aren't you excited?!?!? Them: muahahaha, sucker. Now we can start to show our true colors. We were being all nice and sweet and cuddly (well except for the going in the refrigerator, and knocking down your stuff) to hook you and reel you in. Now the real fun begins!

Me: Sabrina, stop climbing onto my pillow and walking on my hair!

Sabrina: But it's so thick and cushy! Is that your hair? I thought it was part of the pillow!

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Boon: Are you on VV again?
Me: Yes...taking a break from the porn sites.
Boon: Is that George Zimmerman thread still active?
Me: Oh of course...I'm posting on it again.
Boon: That thread needs to go away. The way of the...um...what is it - the Dodo? Yes. The Dodo. I think.
Me: Agreed. Should I not post anything?
Boon: No, go ahead. But...if I may...?
Me: Yes?
Boon: Humans are stupid.
Me: You got that right buddy.
Boon: Meerow.
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Well, there's nobody here but me and the cats anyway, but I wouldn't mind if somebody else heard me. I love my cats and they make me silly and I'm not embarrassed by that. :D
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My companion animals talk to me in different accents too sometimes, spoken by me of course.:weird: My Jack Russell Molly has an Irish accent.:yes:

:oops: I try to lower my voice when I think my neighbours are within hearing distance.
Pixie (my cat): Mum, I was busy last night and I left you some presents.
Me: Why are there dead spiders all over the living room floor?
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Misty: Mommy, where is Bear?

Me: Oh, sweetie, he went over the Rainbow Bridge today.

Misty: What does that mean?

Me: It means he's in a new place where's he's happy again and feeling good again.

Misty: You mean he has a new forever home?

Me: Yes, dear. Forever and ever.

Misty: Will I ever see him again?

Me: Not until you, too, cross over the Rainbow Bridge.

Misty: But I'm happy right here with you!

Me: Well, you will go over the Rainbow Bridge at some point, and then eventually I'll come along and we can be together again.

Misty: Will Bear be there, too?

Me: Yes.

Misty: But Bear constantly harassed me and chased me!

Me: Well, he'll do that again when the two of you meet.

Misty: I'd rather just stay here with you, Mommy. I know you love me.

Me: Yes, I do, sweetie. *hugs Misty*