All this panic talk of stocking up is very stressful for those of us who live paycheck to paycheck and have NO funds for stocking up. I do not have any extra income for extras and buy only what I need to get me by week to week. This happens every hurricane season too.
That's true.

Sometimes i get really sick of re-counting my daily expences on my calculator day after day, because i know how much i can spend a day, and if i suddenly make an error in my calculations and spend more than i can afford, i have to count everything again. I can never relax and stocking up on anything means that you have to cut up on something essential. I know i can survive without kiwies, or tasty salsa, or cauliflower, etc., in order to get more packs of grains, or more meds,- but i get stressed out, and it seems to me that everything is even worse than it already is. Meanwhile, mom is not very thoughtful: i have to make her stock up on food, or give me additional money if i have to buy some extra goodies.
Btw, they say, that there is the first case in Ukraine. (Belarus is already on the "list"). Today i wrote a letter to my friend from Serbia, asking her about her friends in Iran and her sister in Quatar, but she only said that there are no cases in Serbia yet. She apparently didn't want to tell me any details... I'm glad she's ok though.
Scary news are coming from Moscow. They say, it's under control yet, because they isolated that sick man and everyone he'd contacted with, but Moscow is not safe,- SPb is probably even less safe.
Waiting for my next paycheck in awe, because mom demands money, and i need to buy a pack of Tioctacid: i wanted to do it the next month, but i think i have to buy it ASAP, while it's still around.
Tomorrow we're having a "pedsovet" at work (a "teachers' meeting"). It's unusual, so i guess, we'll be talking "about it". Moreover, some teachers wanted to skip it, because they have another jobs, but my big boss asked them to come "for at least 15 minutes" (it means that she'll be talking about something really serious).