Who is your favorite vegan celebrity?

I don't think this belongs in this thread, but I couldn't find a better one. And I don't want to start a new one.

I actually read the article. It's pretty short. I'm still not sure about her saying "I’m fairly confident in that statement." but I liked her line, "Cholesterol hardens your arteries, but not much else," I think there is even medical/scientific evidence that backs the up.

I don't think this belongs in this thread, but I couldn't find a better one. And I don't want to start a new one.

I actually read the article. It's pretty short. I'm still not sure about her saying "I’m fairly confident in that statement." but I liked her line, "Cholesterol hardens your arteries, but not much else," I think there is even medical/scientific evidence that backs the up.

I saw that interview live on GMB. PM said that he would gladly volunteer if she were willing to do so, to prove her wrong.

Don't forget that it all happens in the brain......
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Venerable Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. She has encouraged those who wish to take refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha to also have compassion towards all sentient beings and to refrain from eating animals, so I'm assuming that she is vegan or at least a vegetarian, even though she hasn't clearly stated that herself.
She often talks about how we humans have done a great deal of damage to this planet and that we should do everything we can to reverse it.
She is also an amazing person and has taken on the cause of equal rights and opportunities for Buddhist nuns by raising awareness concerning the difficulties the females who want to ordain face (in some parts of the world it can even be dangerous and when not it's otherwise made to be very difficult and bhikkhunis aren't supported as widely as bhikkhus are), raising funds and starting a nunnery (or maybe several? I'm not sure).
She has made an vow to attain enlightenment in the female form, no matter how many lifetimes it takes.

And Jane Goodall. I think she is at least vegetarian and definitely has a great potential and a mindset for being vegan.
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How about Meaghan Markle?
She rescues chickens!

MM isn't a vegan. She is plant based during the week and eats meat at the week end,which makes her a flexitarian.

In a 2016 interview with Best Health, Markle said, “I try to eat vegan during the week and then have a little bit more flexibility with what I dig into on the weekends. But at the same time, it’s all about balance.” Key words: “try” and “flexibility.” For all intents and purposes, it’s probably safe to say that she’s flexitarian.

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I only take part in dog fighting on weekends. It's all about balance!
First off, I didn't want to make a new thread for this. When I made this thread I thought it was a cute idea. little did I know that there would be soon so many celebrities going vegan. Maybe I should have made a new thread. Something like vegan celebrities in the news or celebrities go vegan. but this one is doing ok so why not just leave it.

Second off, how vegan does a person have to be. I've always thought it more had to do with intent, so if you try to be vegan, you are vegan. The definition of vegan has nothing about perfection. Its only about intent.

Thirdly, she doesn't fight dogs. She rescues dogs. AND chickens! How cool is that?
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I think rescuing chickens is one the coolest things ever. Permaculture is cool too. What would be the most coolest would be to have a permaculture food forest and place rescued chickens there as to be their forever home.
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Andréa Nebel Haugen.
She has two bands: Hagalaz' Runedance and Nebelhexë.
Rob Zombie.
To be honest, I haven't listened to his music that much, but I used to abolutely love his re-makes of the movies Halloween.
Why are my nostalgia movies all sick and disgusting...
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