Children Why Are So Many Kids Deathly Allergic To Food?

Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
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I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
  1. Vegetarian
Back in the good old days, very few kids had severe allergies. Now they are everywhere. What happened?

One in every 13 kids has a food allergy. That comes out to an average of two students in every classroom. The number of allergic and asthmatic kids multiplied two or three times over in the late 20th century, and food allergies in particular remain on the increase. The New York Times observes that “each new generation seems to have more severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions than the last.”

In the 1970s I didn’t know a single child with a food allergy. I brought a peanut butter sandwich to school every day, causing not one problem. Since then, peanut allergies have skyrocketed, tripling in just the 11 years between 1997 and 2008. We have gone from cafeterias full of peanut butter to banning the stuff altogether. My niece’s camp confiscated the chocolate I sent her because it contained “traces of nuts.”

Experts have some theories about the cause of what they call the allergy epidemic. One is that we’ve gotten too clean.

Some interesting theories. I have no food allergies that I know of. I have sensitivities, but AFAIK they are not life threatening.
I think its the trash they put in our foods, I can see the rapid decay teeth as well, I know with persoonal experience, I cannot believe the last 8 years and under I had went through 5 teeth extracts or oral surgury.
I haven't read the link, but wonder whether some of the GMO issues might be in play here. It also might explain why so many adults are all of a sudden gluten-intolerant. I know your system can change over the years, but seriously, in the last couple of years I have had several friends who have been diagnosed with celiac disease. This disease was pretty uncommon when I was a kid and even a young adult. I just wonder if messing with the formula is messing with our bodies. I have nothing to back this up, but it just seems so prevalent now.
One possible explanation ...

Before allergies were invented people couldn't have allergies.

A hell of a lot people probably just became inexplicably ill and died though.

Quite seriously!

Some of the worst food allergens (milk, wheat, seafood, nuts) are the exact sort of thing that ill people would have been fed plenty of to make them well again?
In my opinion, over-vaccination and over-cleaniness don't help. It messes with the immune system. Note that I'm not anti all vaccines or cleaning.
In my opinion, over-vaccination and over-cleaniness don't help. It messes with the immune system. Note that I'm not anti all vaccines or cleaning.

I don't know about over-vaccinations, but I agree with you on the over-cleanliness as a cause.

On a related note, kids who grow up with dogs (and possibly cats) have fewer allergies and are generally healthier.
I don't know about over-vaccinations, but I agree with you on the over-cleanliness as a cause.

On a related note, kids who grow up with dogs (and possibly cats) have fewer allergies and are generally healthier.

I must be the exception to that rule. I grew up with dogs and played outside a lot, and the house I grew up in was farrrr from being overly clean.

I'm now allergic to dogs, and pretty much every airborne allergen. Always been severely allergic to cats.

Dairy protein is my only food issue, though.
I must be the exception to that rule. I grew up with dogs and played outside a lot, and the house I grew up in was farrrr from being overly clean.

I'm now allergic to dogs, and pretty much every airborne allergen. Always been severely allergic to cats.

Dairy protein is my only food issue, though.

I was raised around cats and dogs, and cats really screw with me now, allergy-wise.
I'm pretty sure that my blocked nose is related to my dog's fur. I just took antibiotics again but I still feel stuffed up, especially when I first wake up. I was thinking of getting a Hepa filter.
I was raised without pets as my mother didn't want any. I have been tested for allergies and have been found positive to cats' fur.
You probably wouldn't be able to visit me, then. :(

Well, I'd have to keep the cats in a different room, but it would still be hard for you.
I was raised without pets as my mother didn't want any. I have been tested for allergies and have been found positive to cats' fur.

Have you been around a lot of cats though? Or have you been avoiding coming into contact with them since the test came back positive?
Have you been around a lot of cats though? Or have you been avoiding coming into contact with them since the test came back positive?

I've never really been in contact with cats over a long period of time. I still stroke them if I go to someone's home and they have a cat.
The other day my hairdresser's cat Channel jumped onto my lap and was begging to be stroked. She is the most gorgeous cat ever ans has beautiful pale green eyes.