1. This is about wild animal suffering, not other species' conduct. If there is a villian here it is the messed up universe/natural world or whoever/whatever is responsible for it, if anything. Not lions. If we get omnivores to care about wild animals I think it will spill over and help them to care about farm animals more as well. Also, it shores up the animal rights argument e. g., "all animals are equally important and all need our help, so stop appealing to nature."My thoughts:
1. As the species which causes the most suffering in the world, it behooves us to clean up our own act before we start sticking our noses into other species' conduct. IOW, get humans to stop slaughtering, using and abusing other species, and get us to stop destroying habitat and to restore what we have destroyed before you even think about trying to control predation by other species. Anything less is hypocritical assholery.
2. This whole attitude about controlling other species is just another facet of the human hubris that results in humans thinking that we have the right to determine other species' fates for them, that we have the right to determine who lives and who dies, and how these "others" live and die. It's just plain arrogant.
2. This isn't controlling other species, it's controlling the bad stuff inherent in living in the world. Humans are good at that and animals need for us to use our skills to help them. Do you have a problem with any of these activities?
-Rescuing trapped animals
-Vaccinating and healing sick animals
-Helping animals in fires and natural disasters
-Providing for the basic needs of animals
-Caring for orphaned animals

Helping animals in the wild
Animals face significant harms in the wild. Fortunately, though, there are many ways we can help them, but we need to raise awareness about this.
There is a lot of footage online of female big cats, like lionesses or cheetah, caring for baby prey animals after killing and eating their mothers, licking and snuggling with them for a period of hours, before the prey animal dies and is then consumed by that cat or others. These lionesses don't want to orphan the cute young animals and they need our help. We are the only species who could ever possibly feed these cats some kind cultured meat replacement, but I am proposing tackling predation last because it is by far the hardest. Also, when we do start doing it, we can probably skip the cultured meat replacement mosquitos for frogs to eat and just let them continue eating the real thing. We wouldn't need to replace all predation.