Saying you wouldn't do it because the rich, who already have more than they need, will get so much more is a prime example of cutting one's nose off to spite one's face.
People do that all the time, seems like a national pastime.
Saying you wouldn't do it because the rich, who already have more than they need, will get so much more is a prime example of cutting one's nose off to spite one's face.
Well, I'm thinking Third World poor, so clean water access, adequate food, clothing, shoes, safety, and shelter. Education on growing food, building shelters, plumbing, nutrition, hygiene, etc. I mean, that seems 10 times better than the conditions now.True... but define the basics.
Well, I'm thinking Third World poor, so clean water access, adequate food, clothing, shoes, safety, and shelter. Education on growing food, building shelters, plumbing, nutrition, hygiene, etc. I mean, that seems 10 times better than the conditions now.
A 10 or 100 fold increase in the quality of your life. Unless, of course, your life is already perfectWhat's in it for me?
What colour is the button?
Only if it increased your and their quality of life by 10 or 1oo timesWould the rich and poor people know it was me who pressed the button and worship me as a god?
The poor would probably just squander it all on drugs.
I find it kind of telling how many people are equating the improvement of life with having more money.If you could, with the push of a button, improve the life of the poor tenfold, but at the same time improve the life of the rich a hundredfold, would you do it?
I find it kind of telling how many people are equating the improvement of life with having more money.
The period of my life when I was happiest was when I was also poorest. It wasn't the most comfortable time of my life but it was the happiest.
I personally equate improvement of life with happiness, and the question asked says nothing about money.
Perhaps many of the rich would have their lives improve a hundredfold by the philanthropic joy of giving away of their money, or even the loss of it so they would have to work for a living.
I don't know what would improve their lives, but If I have the choice I wouldn't deny anyone something that would better their life while not harming others.