woman dies from bacteria resistant to all antibiotics

Why don't more people care...probably because when they don't feel well they can't see past their own misery and they want something that's going to make them feel better fast...that magic pill...they don't want to hear the word "viral" because they know that it means it's going to take longer to get well since antibiotics don't work on viruses. That's what happened to me at Christmas. I was sick for 15 days. People don't want, and sometimes can't afford, to be sick that long.

Scary article. :(
I think more medical professionals should take a stand and refuse to prescribe antibiotics for anything and everything, even if the patient (or a family member) begs and pleads for it. We can't expect everyone to understand the risks. My doctor once gave me a prescription for an antibiotic when I had a sore throat, and told me to fill it only if my sore throat got worse. But she also prescribed cough syrup with codeine, and that helped so much that I never filled the other prescription. But others might not be as careful as I was. They'd get the antibiotic "just in case" and even take it "just in case". Perhaps the doctor should have said, "If the sore throat gets worse, come back and I'll look at it again and perhaps then I'll prescribe the antibiotic." But she knew I'd be careful with the prescription.
I sent a copy of the URL to my old philosophy professor, now retired, who has a scientific background. His answer to the question "why don't people care" was "too much information." Do we live in society that is so bombarded with information that we cannot focus on serious problems like this? Are we too focused on things like Brad and Angelina's divorce?