The marines (with the most difficullt training programs) are now attemping to get women to do the same amount of pullups as men do. (Written in November)
"And although women are still prohibited from filling assignments whose primary mission is direct ground combat, officials made the historic move this past summer by enrolling two female Marines into the Corps’ Infantry Officer Course. Both ultimately washed out, and so far no volunteers have stepped forward for the course’s next iteration this winter.
Known to Marines as the PFT, the physical fitness test is one of two strength and endurance evaluations all personnel must pass each year. The other, called the Combat Fitness Test, features a host of drills Marines would be expected to perform on the battlefield.As part of the PFT, all Marines do sit-ups and conduct a timed three-mile run. Additionally, men have been required to do pull-ups while women, viewed institutionally as having less inherent upper-body strength, have been required to perform what’s called the flexed-arm hang, hoisting themselves over the pull-up bar and holding the position for up to 70 seconds. Marines are rated based on their overall performance on each section of the test, with 300 making a perfect score.During the coming year, as the service adjusts to the change, female Marines will have the option of doing pull-ups or the flexed-arm hang during their PFT, according to Amos’ message. But come 2014, women will be required to do at least three pull-ups to pass the PFT, with eight needed for a perfect score on that portion of the test. Men must do three pull-ups to pass, with 20 a perfect score."
..."That study of 318 female Marines found that, on average, they could perform 1.63 pull-ups. More than 21 percent performed at least three, and 37 percent performed at least three when lower-body movement — a banned practice frequently known as “kip” — was allowed."
Test: women, how many pullups can you do? Men?
I just tried and did zero, even with kipping. My 20-year old son does dozens; it is one of his things. My 24-year old daughter does 10 at last count with major kipping.