Women's only section?

I'm not opposed to a men's only section, but personally, if I wanted advice on something, I'd want a woman's input, too.
I'm not opposed to a men's only section, but personally, if I wanted advice on something, I'd want a woman's input, too.
there are things that a woman's advice wouldnt' be as pertinent. there needs to be both.
The three forums I've been really active on all had a women's section but no men's. They did start off with both but the men's one was always dead so they deleted it.
I will probably go ahead and add a women's health forum soon. For fairness, I will probably also add a men's health forum. I don't care if it doesn't get much traffic.

Edit: And they will be hidden from public view of course, and the join-up process will be moderated.
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I joined the women's health group but apparently it joined me to the men's health, too. I am able to click on "start new thread" in there, as well as the women's section.
I can still view both forums - although they are both displayed as having no posts - but it tells me I have insufficient posting privileges. Since I haven't opted in to either yet, that should be about right.
I can still view both forums - although they are both displayed as having no posts - but it tells me I have insufficient posting privileges. Since I haven't opted in to either yet, that should be about right.
Yep, that is on purpose, so people can see that the forums exist. It would be possible to hide them completely, but I thought maybe this was better. Hmmm. Let me know if you have any thoughts on that.
Yep, that is on purpose, so people can see that the forums exist. It would be possible to hide them completely, but I thought maybe this was better. Hmmm. Let me know if you have any thoughts on that.

That's a good idea.

I can see and post in Women's Health but not in Men's, so it seems to be fixed :)
Yep, that is on purpose, so people can see that the forums exist. It would be possible to hide them completely, but I thought maybe this was better. Hmmm. Let me know if you have any thoughts on that.

Are the threads public, or just the forums themselves? Seeing that they exist is fine, but maybe some people want the actual threads to be more private (if they aren't already).
Are the threads public, or just the forums themselves? Seeing that they exist is fine, but maybe some people want the actual threads to be more private (if they aren't already).
Yes, the threads are private and can only be seen by members of the user group.