
  1. U

    Vegan Newbie: Tips Please!

    Hi! I am a newbie. I am still learning to read the labels and it's sometimes hard because it takes a lot of time when shopping. I find myself picking up items, reading and Googling terminologies on my phone constantly but I am getting there, perseverance! I just want to know from experienced...
  2. HealthRoom

    Media How to Get All the (Supposed) Benefits of Eating Meat On a Vegan Diet

    Hi guys, Hope it's okay to share this here. I'm a vegan blogger and I recently put together an in-depth guide to getting all the potentially beneficial compounds found in meat (from a health perspective) on a vegan diet. If you've ever had any nagging doubts that you'll be missing out on some...
  3. A

    Changing to Vegan Diet before Surgery

    Hi there, Im new to this site and not a vegan yet. Im having surgery on the 12th January to remove an ovarian cyst, I'm having the surgery done by keyhole. I want to change to the Vegan diet as I really don't like the animal cruelty side of eating meat and dairy plus I believe that the...
  4. E

    Media kindness is power Hey guys, I started a blog earlier this year. I have been vegan fow a few years but i still get frustrated with the lack of information or products available. I have dedicated my blog to cruelty free clean living. I study nutrition and have a background in the beauty...