My personal opinion? Guns make it easy to kill. After all, that's the sole reasonwhy they were invented,why there's one sitting in my drawer - I could bring myself to shoot a critically ill or wounded animal to put it out of its misery. I don't have what it takes to cut its throat, and, if its of any size at all, I can't count on crushing its skull efficiently and painlessly with one blow (as I've had to do with small animals).
IMO, making it easy to kill is not a good thing (other than in the context of euthanasia). It makes it easy to kill on the spur of the moment, in passion, in unreasonable fear, etc. And that's true whether one is killing another or oneself. The people I've known who have hung themselves - I know that they really, tuly wanted to die, they were committed to it. The one's who shot themselves - I don't have that certainty. Killing remotely, even in putting a gun to one's own head - it doesn't have the same reality. It can, and all too often is, undertaken too lightly, too much in the spur of the moment.
So, while I am not freaked out by guns, don't mind handling them, don't mind shooting them, I would be happier if they weren't in the hands of any civilian, and would be even happier if they didn't exist.