News 12 killed in attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo

This was in the top of the front page, while wages dropping got basically no attention in the newspaper today. That's the media. Stories related to violence tend to get the attention.

Decreasing wages/income disparity is reported periodically. How often you hear about it depends on what news source(s) you listen to.
As a billionaire, I find Rupert's rubbish utterly reprehensible. #NotAllBillionaires
Murdoch is a sworn zionist, so his comments on this topic should be read in that light. It's troubling that Murdoch has such influence.
I've seen comment saying that all religions should be attacked. So this is partly why they ridicule isn't just about terrorists, they just want to attack all religion.

It would be nice if some Muslims could do some cartoons, to fight back.

I've tried to take note about not getting offended on other people's behalf....I'm not a Muslim, and Muhammad was just this guy, who may have been a bit of a prophet...who knows.
Apparently, a number of Catholic groups have filed complaints about Charlie Hebdo, but not a single one has attacked or made threats of violence against them. Not even the strict /ultra conservative Catholic groups...
Because Catholics don't bomb things. Ever.
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A terrorist group that uses its religion justify its actions....

In violent incidents like this I don't know if it applies simply to announce that you're affiliated with a certain religion. Do we have proof that they were active in their faith? Seems like anybody could make such a declaration of affiliation to one religion or another whether or not it was true. I think we need to make a stringent effort to seperate religion from these types of events.
I am also saddened by the violence in Nigeria (at the hands of muslim extremists Boko Haram) and surprised that there is not more coverage of it.
The article, however, strikes me as overly hostile and not very knowledgeable about the situation in France.

The second part I think I can judge a bit, as I also had a lot of reservations about Charly Hebdo after seeing some of their cartoons and thinking they were racist/xenophobe, but reading this thread has helped me to understand it better.

Best regards,
I think maybe many Muslims have this image of Muhammad as this perfect man, a dashing hansom feller, so they probably wouldn't like a cartoon depiction of him, in most cases...with exaggerated features etc.
Maybe some Muslims (who don't eat animals of course) could join this message board and share their opinions and experiences. But then they'd come to this forum, and read some of the responses in the other thread (and some of the microaggression in this thread and the other one), and think, "I deal with enough Islamaphobic ******** in real life, I don't need to deal with it here, too."
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Maybe some Muslims (who don't eat animals of course) could join this message board and share their opinions and experiences. But then they'd come to this forum, and read some of the responses in the other thread (and some of the microaggression in this thread and the other one), and think, "I deal with enough Islamaphobic ******** in real life, I don't need to deal with it here, too."
Unfortunately I have seen that happen, specifically where a new member who happened to be Muslim was being constantly asked to "defend" Islam. I can't imagine putting up with that for very long.