If you're someone who really feels strongly that your family members must be buried, then keep in touch with them enough to steer them off the path of setting bombs in public places and killing people.
My nephew is a conservative Republican, Christian, meat eating hunter, raised by my sister who has been veg*n since he was little, atheist since long before that, and who has never voted for a Republican in her life. My parents, who did eat meat, abhorred hunting, and never voted for a Republican either, to the best of my knowledge. They, and I, were the people who raised him.
I agree that not all of it has to do with anti Muslim sentiment. After all, as I mentioned before, we human beings have a long history of continuing to punish criminals after their death by taking it out on their corpses. I don't think it has any effect on the corpses - they are, after all, corpses. I just think it's rather small of the living. I do think that the fact that this has become such a huge public thing does have everything to do with anti Muslim sentiment and anti immigrant sentiment - the fact that there hasn't been this kind of public controversy (as opposed to the feelings of the families of the victims) with respect to any of our other notorious killers points to that.
I've never expected the cemeteries where my loved ones are buried to be free of child molestors, rapists or killers - the statistics would indicate that we bury our loved ones not in the midst of saints, but in the midst of the entire stew of sins and virtues that make up humanity.
And, as it has turned out, one of the graves that I visit periodically is that of a murderer.