Alternatives to butter?

I too have found Pure Sunflower to be the best substitute. The texture is more like butter, and it acts in the same way.
I've tried many different spreads- and I find Vitalite the best. It's very buttery and also perfect in baking/roasties.
I find PURE doesn't melt as easily and less rich.
Blue x
It shows that it is all down to personal taste. I find Vitalite is very like a low fat spread I used when I was slimming, I didn't like it at all. I think it was called Outline. I use olive oil to roast potatoes as it works best for me.
True, we all have different tastes.
I haven't tried the PURE olive spread yet, so I will buy some today.
For roasties I use rapeseed oil, herbs, garlic and shallots, then add 'butter' for the last 10 mins to add texture- then I put my gravy into the tin and mix for a rich tasty vegan gravy. Yum
I use avocado as a butter substitute for a savoury spread, or the AF homemade "butter" for anything sweet or needing to melt in, eg. on toast. AF (aqua faba - chickpea water or other beans in a tin) is super easy to make, though I modify it slightly. Please see link below.

All credit to Nina - thank you, if you're reading this!
This is interesting as when I went to the Viva Roadshow last year Jane, I think, was doing a cooking demonstration and she said that the water from a tin of chickpeas could be used instead of eggs when cooking. She said three spoonfuls equalled one egg but I can't remember if they were dessert or tablespoons. You whisk them up and put them in a cake or whatever. I will definitely have a go at Nina's Butter, it would be ideal to make everything from scratch really, I suppose.
This is interesting as when I went to the Viva Roadshow last year Jane, I think, was doing a cooking demonstration and she said that the water from a tin of chickpeas could be used instead of eggs when cooking. She said three spoonfuls equalled one egg but I can't remember if they were dessert or tablespoons. You whisk them up and put them in a cake or whatever. I will definitely have a go at Nina's Butter, it would be ideal to make everything from scratch really, I suppose.
I use 3 Tbsp to equal one egg ... although lately I've been using ground flaxseeds as egg replacer purely because I'm playing with a new pressure cooker and haven't bought tinned chickpeas in a while.
The Soy Garden buttery tasting spread is what I use. I can't even remember the difference between it and butter. I also took a couple of samples to work for friends that were looking for butter substitutes; both liked it as well.