April Health Challenge (2016)

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I hope that everyone is doing well.


Post up your health goals and support your fellow VV members! Last month's thread here
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Okay, I'm about to smack my Wii Fit board with a hammer. I've been using it most days for the body test (fun little games that improve your balance and coordination) and it graphs your progress. But part of the body test is that it does your weight. And for ages it's been like "you weigh too much" "try exercising" "try eating less" and so on. If I gain a pound it's all "try to think of the cause of your weight gain". And today, I lost two pounds. Suddenly it's going "I'm worried about how rapidly you're losing weight, try to be healthy!" :rolleyes:

I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to get better at roller derby (part of which involves improving my balance and coordination). Leave me alone, you daft machine :P

Anyway. Goals!
- Maintain an average of 20 laps in 5 minutes.
- Improve stamina
- Get to a 40 feet glide on one leg
- Keep up with my protein goals (this may involve some sort of protein shake)
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I had a protein shake.

It was so bad. The texture made me gag. I need to find a way to make it palatable, as I have a whole huge tub to get through.

But on the bright side it was pretty filling, and it upped my daily protein intake significantly (which is what it's meant to do, so...)

Also, roller derby was ace tonight. I had my first session learning how to come at someone for a hit, which was equal parts terrifying and awesome. The coach said she had a feeling that once I learn how to build momentum, I'm going to be terrifying :D
I had a protein shake.

It was so bad. The texture made me gag. I need to find a way to make it palatable, as I have a whole huge tub to get through.

But on the bright side it was pretty filling, and it upped my daily protein intake significantly (which is what it's meant to do, so...)

Also, roller derby was ace tonight. I had my first session learning how to come at someone for a hit, which was equal parts terrifying and awesome. The coach said she had a feeling that once I learn how to build momentum, I'm going to be terrifying :D

I buy Jarrow's soya isolate protein. I always add fruit, vegetables, seeds and use a Ninja to make a protein smoothie. Before having a Ninja, I used a standard fp. You could also use a blender stick or a blender to mix the ingredients. I also find that using frozen fruit and/or frozen non dairy milk makes gives it a very thick smooth consistency.
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I buy Jarrow's soya isolate protein. I always add fruit, vegetables, seeds and use a Ninja to make a protein smoothie. Before having a Ninja, I used a standard fp. You could also use a blender stick or a blender to mix the ingredients. I also find that using frozen fruit and/or frozen non dairy milk makes gives it a very thick smooth consistency.

I've also got a soya isolate powder (although it's a different make). I used a blender, and put it into a post-workout smoothie I usually have of banana, peanut butter, cocoa powder, and soy milk. But it was so powdery in texture, and had a really odd taste. I'm not so fussed about making it thick, thick takes longer to drink :P

I'm going to try it with some frozen fruit and yogurt next I think.
I've also got a soya isolate powder (although it's a different make). I used a blender, and put it into a post-workout smoothie I usually have of banana, peanut butter, cocoa powder, and soy milk. But it was so powdery in texture, and had a really odd taste. I'm not so fussed about making it thick, thick takes longer to drink :p

I'm going to try it with some frozen fruit and yogurt next I think.

I would be interested to know whether using frozen fruit makes it taste better.
I made a strawberry smoothie for lunch and it tasted great - no chalky taste or textue.
My gym was closed for maintenance for a few days, so my workout today was: I went to my food co-op and bought ~35 lbs of quick-cooking rolled oats. I had two large bags from previous purchases, double bagged my provisions, and lugged them about 6 blocks from where the bus drops me off to my house. I stopped 3 or 4 times to rest, and not only got in a good workout, but also accomplished something useful.

I'm really liking and benefitting from the Tai Chi, even though my form is probably not the greatest. I'm walking a lot too (usually not lugging about 1/5-1/4 of my weight like I was today).
I've also got a soya isolate powder (although it's a different make). I used a blender, and put it into a post-workout smoothie I usually have of banana, peanut butter, cocoa powder, and soy milk. But it was so powdery in texture, and had a really odd taste. I'm not so fussed about making it thick, thick takes longer to drink[emoji14]
I'm going to try it with some frozen fruit and yogurt next I think.
I keep frozen fruit ready, usually mixed berries, and have a splash of orange juice and some banana. I use hemp powder sometimes in there also.
Do you have to have it in shake form Aery? I used to add mine into ny morning oats and it wasn't noticeable.

I did find out through trying all different types that soya protein is quite 'powdery' and it does change the texture of things it's added too. The best I found is pea protein which is not noticeable at all (unless you put loads in.)
I had a protein shake.

It was so bad. The texture made me gag. I need to find a way to make it palatable, as I have a whole huge tub to get through.

But on the bright side it was pretty filling, and it upped my daily protein intake significantly (which is what it's meant to do, so...)
I suppose you could use it in small doses... although I don't know how long it would take you to use up the tub if the stuff is really nasty when you use it in any appreciable amount. Since it's a texture issue, you wouldn't be able to mask the taste with something strong-tasting.

We have some women's roller-derby teams in my area but I've never seen a match. My Dad taught me how to roller-skate when I was 11, believe it or not: my 6th-grade class was going out roller skating and he went with us.
Do you have to have it in shake form Aery? I used to add mine into ny morning oats and it wasn't noticeable.

I did find out through trying all different types that soya protein is quite 'powdery' and it does change the texture of things it's added too. The best I found is pea protein which is not noticeable at all (unless you put loads in.)

Nah, you can add it to anything, I just decided shakes would be easiest in terms of masking the flavour.

Luckily, my second attempt was WAY better - frozen strawberries, bananas, and raspberries, and apple juice. The texture was a little grainy still but it tasted good and didn't make me want to throw up :P I'll definitely try pea protein instead next time, though.

I suppose you could use it in small doses... although I don't know how long it would take you to use up the tub if the stuff is really nasty when you use it in any appreciable amount. Since it's a texture issue, you wouldn't be able to mask the taste with something strong-tasting.

We have some women's roller-derby teams in my area but I've never seen a match. My Dad taught me how to roller-skate when I was 11, believe it or not: my 6th-grade class was going out roller skating and he went with us.

You should check out a game sometime, it's great fun to watch :D
Howdy, everyone! Work has still been nuts so I haven't had a lot of time on the interwebs.
Goals for April:
Get back to climbing 2,000+ feet on the treadmill
Maintain my 5-day-a-week workout routine
Improve the core by doing more crunches and planks
Improve sleep (such a work in progress)
Maintain adequate water intake
Add my nice, long city walk to my exercise plan (now that the weather is finally improving) every couple of weeks or so
I'm away this week for work, and this is normally where my diet goes to hell (in terms of getting a good balance and eating fresh food). But I've been really good so far, meeting all my goals. I'm allowing myself a cheeky chinese takeaway tomorrow, as I'm having a movie evening with a friend, but I'm still putting it into my meal plan (making sure to get my protein/fat/carbs balance), and I'm going to go on a bike ride beforehand to offset it a bit.

Exercise-wise, yesterday I did an hour's stretch and tone class followed by an hour of aerial hoop. Today, I did half an hour of kettlebells, half an hour of abs, and half an hour of stretch and tone. Tomorrow is a bike ride, I'm going bowling on Thursday, and having a morning swim on Friday before work. I'm also in a 'workweek hustle' fitbit challenge with a bunch of friends, and I'm determined to at least hit my 10,000 step goal each day, even if I don't win.
Impressive, AF! That sounds like a great plan you have going. Keep up the awesome work.

I did a 5K walk today at work because it was so sunny out. I couldn't bear having to go inside even though it was windy and chilly. I did it in 46 minutes, which is a bit off my race pace (which included some light jogging), so I want to shave it to around 44 or even lower. It's harder in the morning because sometimes I have to stop for cars. :D But I will work toward shaving two minutes off the pace, which I think is doable. The second lap was definitely a little slower than the first lap. There are a couple of really good hills, so I was pretty happy with the time considering that.
I'm at the gym right now :) Just having a little break! Have been going once a week (which is nowhere near my goal of 3 times) for a month or two now. It's feels good to be back and exercising. It's difficult to organise life so I have time for it though.

Anyway, I want some new gym clothes. Maybe that would inspire me to make an extra effort and get down here more often.
Gaaa, I didn't have a good week last week with the exercise. It started out well, but work (I have to figure out a way to balance this better) got in the way. I'm working so many extra hours right now. It's making me cranky, lol.
I did manage to do my 5k walk with my workout buddy from work, so that was good. Tomorrow it's going to rain, and I have to work extra again, but I'm determined to get to the gym and do the treadmill. I need a good sweat!
My daughter bought a new fit bit and gave me her old one! I've only had it since Sunday but it's fun! I started walking since my trip to South Carolina and today I reached my first 10,000 step mark. Yay me!

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